eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Zech Michael

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 3 od 3
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2018Approaches and challenges to the study of loess - Introduction to the LoessFest Special IssueSchaetzl Randall J.; Bettis E. Arthur; Crouvi Onn; Fitzsimmons Kathryn E.; Grimley David A.; Hambach Ulrich; Lehmkuhl Frank; Marković Slobodan  ; Mason Joseph; Owczarek Piotr;
Roberts Helen M.; Rousseau Denis Didier; Stevens Thomas; Vandenberghe Jef; Zárate Marcelo; Veres Daniel; Yang Shiling; Zech Michael; Conroy Jessica L.; Dave Aditi K.; Faust Dominik; Hao Qingzhen; Obreht Igor; Prud'Homme Charlotte; Smalley Ian; Tripaldi Alfonsina; Zeeden Christian; Zech Roland;
Naučni članak
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2020Middle to Late Pleistocene environments based on stable organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes of loess-palaeosol sequences from the Carpathian BasinPötter Stephan; Schmitz Arndt; Lücke Andreas; Schulte P.; Obreht Igor; Zech Michael; Wissel Holger; Marković Slobodan  ; Lehmkuhl FrankNaučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2018The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence: A record of continuous grassland domination in the southern Carpathian Basin during the Late PleistoceneMarković Slobodan  ; Sümegi Pal; Stevens Thomas; Schaetzl Randall J.; Obreht Igor; Chu Wei; Buggle B.; Zech Michael; Zech Roland; Zeeden Christian;
Gavrilov Milivoj; Perić Zoran; Svirčev Zorica  ; Lehmkuhl Frank;
Naučni članak
21aM21a - Rad u međ. časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti