eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Projekat ANPCyT, Argentina, YerPhI, Armenia, ARC, Australia, BMWFW, Austria, FWF, Austria, ANAS, Azerbaijan, SSTC, Belarus, CNPq, Brazil, FAPESP, Brazil, NSERC, Canada, NRC, Canada, CFI, Canada, CERN, CONICYT, Chile, CAS, China, MOST, China, NSFC, China, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, MSMT CR, Czech Republic, MPO CR, Czech Republic, VSC CR, Czech Republic, DNRF, Denmark, DNSRC, Denmark, Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, EPLANET, European Union, ERC, European Union, NSRF, European Union, IN2P3-CNRS, France, CEA-DSM/IRFU, France, GNSF, Georgia, BMBF, Germany, DFG, Germany, HGF, Germany, MPG, Germany, AvH Foundation, Germany, GSRT, Greece, NSRF, Greece, RGC, China, Hong Kong SAR, China, ISF, Israel, MINERVA, Israel, GIF, Israel, I-CORE, Israel, Benoziyo Center, Israel, INFN, Italy, MEXT, Japan, JSPS, Japan, CNRST, Morocco, FOM, Netherlands, NWO, Netherlands, BRF, Norway, RCN, Norway, MNiSW, Poland, NCN, Poland, GRICES, Portugal, FCT, Portugal, MNE/IFA, Romania, MES of Russia, Russian Federation, ROSATOM, Russian Federation, JINR, MSTD, Serbia, MSSR, Slovakia, ARRS, Slovenia, MIZS, Slovenia, DST/NRF, South Africa, MINECO, Spain, SRC, Sweden, Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden, SER, Switzerland, SNSF, Switzerland, Canton of Bern, Switzerland, NSC, Taiwan, TAEK, Turkey, STFC, United Kingdom, Royal Society and Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom, DOE, United States of America, NSF, United States of America, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, WLCG, ATLAS Tier-1 facilities at TRIUMF (Canada), NDGF (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), CC-IN2P3 (France), KIT/GridKA (Germany), INFN-CNAF (Italy), NL-T1 (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), ASGC (Taiwan), RAL (UK), BNL (USA), ICREA

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 1 od 1
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2015Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Agatonović-Jovin, Tatjana  ; Bozic, I.; Dimitrievska, A.  ; Krstić, Jelena ; Mamužić, Judita ; Marjanović, M. ; Popović, D. S.; Sijacki, Dj. ; Simić, Lj.;
Vranješ, Nenad  ; Vranješ Milosavljević, Marija  ; Zivkovic, L  ;
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