eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Projekat European Union's Seventh Program for research, technological development and demonstrationEuropean Union (EU) [30481]

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 1 od 1
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2019Surgical Staging Prior to Chemoradiation Is Beneficial for Survival in Patients with High Stage Cervical CancerKenter, Gemma; Popovic, Marina; Alran, S; Fourchotte, V; Dureau, S; Mandic, Aljosa D  ; Zijlmans, H; Hillemans, P; Lecuru, F; Ngo, Charlotte;
Wimberger, P; Rouzier, Roman; Kamal, Maud; Scholl, Suzy M;
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