eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Projekat Serbian Research Council[175037]

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 3 od 3
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2012Evaluation of alternating consecutive maximum contractions as an alternative test of neuromuscular function (✓)Bozic, Predrag R.; Pazin, Nemanja  ; Berjan, Bobana; Jarić, Slobodan Naučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2018Selective effects of different fatigue protocols on the function of upper body muscles assessed through the force-velocity relationshipGarcia-Ramos, Amador; Torrejon, Alejandro; Feriche, Belen; Morales-Artacho, Antonio J; Perez-Castilla, Alejandro; Padial, Paulino; Jaric, Slobodan MNaučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2018Two Point Method: A Quick and Fatigue-Free Procedure for Assessment of Muscle Mechanical Capacities and the 1 Repetition MaximumGarcia-Ramos, Amador; Jaric, Slobodan MNaučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu