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Преглед према Пројекат Bristol Myers Squibb

Приказ резултата 1 до 20 од 73  следеће >
ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
20212021 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the Use of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (✓)Steffel, Jan; ...; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; ...; (broj koautora 28)Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2022A comprehensive characterization of acute heart failure with preserved versus mildly reduced versus reduced ejection fraction - insights from the ESC-HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term RegistryKaplon-Cieslicka, Agnieszka; ...; Seferovic, Petar M ; ...; (broj, koautora 20)Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2012A phase II, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study of BMS945429 (ALD518) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with an inadequate response to methotrexateMease, P; Strand, Vibeke; Shalamberidze, L; Dimic, Aleksandar N; Raskina, T; Xu, Li-An; Liu, Y; Smith, JНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022ABC adherence and impact of optimal medical therapy in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation (✓)Bonini, Niccolo; Proetti, Marco; Romiti, Giulio Francesco; Vitolo, Marrco; Fawzy, Ameenathul Mazaya; Ding, Wern Yew; Fauchier, Laurent; Marin, Francisco; Nabauer, Michael; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ;
Dan, Gheorghe Andrei; Boriani, Giuseppe; Lip, Gregory YH;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2019Acute heart failure congestion and perfusion status - impact of the clinical classification on in-hospital and long-term outcomes; insights from the ESC-EORP-HFA Heart Failure Long-Term RegistryChioncel, Ovidiu; Mebazaa, Alexandre JS; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro; Harjola, Veli-Pekka; Rosano, Giuseppe MC; Laroche, Cecile; Piepoli, Massimo Francesco; Crespo-Leiro, Maria G; Lainscak, Mitja; Ponikowski, Piotr P;
Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ruschitzka, Frank; Seferovic, Petar M ; Coats, Andrew JS; Lund, Lars H;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Adherence to the "Atrial fibrillation Better Care" (ABC) pathway in patients with atrial fibrillation and cancer: A report from the ESC-EHRA EURObservational Research Programme in atrial fibrillation (EORP-AF) General Long-Term Registry (✓)Vitolo, Marco; ...; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; ...; ESC-EHRA EORP-AF Long-Term General Registry Investigators; (broj koautora 16)Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2018Aging and the evolution of comorbidities among HIV-positive individuals in a European cohortPelchen-Matthews, Annegret; ...; Jevtovic, Djordje Lj; ...; (broj, koautora 22)Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2018Alirocumab and Cardiovascular Outcomes after Acute Coronary Syndrome (✓)Schwartz, GG; ...; Dilić, Mirza; ...; Ristić, Arsen D.  ; ...; Simić, Dragan V.  ; Ivanović, Nikola; Davidović, Goran T.  ; Tasić, Nebojša M.;
Ašanin, Milika R.  ; Stojić, Stevo; Apostolović, Svetlana R.  ; Ilić, Stevan N.; Putniković, Biljana ; Stanković, Aleksandar; Arandjelovic, Aleksandra C. ; Radovanović, Slavica ; Balinovac, Jovan; Dinčić, Dragan V.  ; Seferović, Petar M. ; Dodić, Slobodan S.; Dimković, Siniša ; ...; (broj, koautora 1390);
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Anaemia and adverse outcomes in European patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from the ESC-EHRA EORP atrial fibrillation general long-term registry (✓)Boriani, Giuseppe; Vitolo, Marrco; Proietti, Marco; Malavasi, Vincenzo Livio; Bonini, Niccolo; Romiti, Giulio Francesco; Imberti, Jacopo Francesco; Fauchier, Laurent; Nabauer, Michael; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ;
Dan, Gheorghe-Andrei; Kalarus, Zbigniew; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro; Lane, Deirdre A.; Lip, Gregory YH;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2019Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Coronary Syndrome Treated Medically or With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or Undergoing Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Insights From the AUGUSTUS Trial (✓)Windecker, Stephan; ...; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; ...; (broj koautora 33)Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2020Association between loop diuretic dose changes and outcomes in chronic heart failure: observations from the ESC-EORP Heart Failure Long-Term RegistryKapelios, Chris J; ...; Seferovic, Petar M ; (broj, koautora 19)Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2016Atrial fibrillationLip, Gregory YH; Fauchier, Laurent; Freedman, Saul B; Van, Gelder Isabelle C; Natale, Andrea; Gianni, Carola; Nattel, Stanley; Potpara, Tatjana S  ; Rienstra, Michiel; Tse, Hung-Fat;
Lane, Deirdre A;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Biological impact of iberdomide in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus (✓)Lipsky, Peter E; ...; Petronijević, Milan R.  ; ...; (broj, koautora 22)Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Cardiac troponins and adverse outcomes in European patients with atrial fibrillation: A report from the ESC-EHRA EORP atrial fibrillation general long-term registry (✓)Vitolo, Marco; Malavasi, Vincenzo L; Proietti, Marco; Diemberger, Igor; Fauchier, Laurent; Marin, Francisco; Nabauer, Michael; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Dan, Gheorghe-Andrei; Kalarus, Zbigniew;
Tavazzi, Luigi; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro; Lane, Deirdre A; Lip, Gregory YH; Boriani, Giuseppe;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2022Care of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: an international analysis of quality indicators in the acute coronary syndrome STEMI Registry of the EURObservational Research Programme and ACVC and EAPCI Associations of the European Society of CLudman, Peter; ...; Stojkovic, Sinisa M; ...; (broj, koautora 33)Научни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2022Characterization of atrial fibrillation in real-world patients: testing the 4S-AF scheme in the Spanish and French cohorts of the EORP-AF Long-Term General Registry (✓)Rivera-Caravaca, Jose Miguel; ...; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; ...; (broj koautora 17)Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2020Clinical presentation, management, and 6-month outcomes in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: an ESC EORP registrySliwa, Karen; ...; Seferovic, Petar M ; ...; (broj, koautora 24)Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2021Cohort profile: the ESC EURObservational Research Programme Atrial Fibrillation III (AF III) Registry (✓)Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Lip, Gregory YH; Dagres, Nikolaos; Crijns, Harry JMG; Boriani, Giuseppe; Kirchhof, Paulus; Arbelo, Elena; Savelieva, Irina; Lenarczyk, Radoslaw; Fauchier, Laurent;
Maggioni, Aldo Pietro; Gale, Chris P.;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2022Cohort profile: the ESC EURObservational Research Programme Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infraction (NSTEMI) RegistryNadarajah, Ramesh; Ludman, Peter; Appelman, Yolande; Brugaletta, Salvatore; Budaj, Andrzej; Bueno, Hector; Huber, Kurt; Kunadian, Vijay; Leonardi, Sergio; Lettino, Maddalena;
Milasinovic, Dejan G; Gale, Chris P;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2022Comparison of HAS-BLED and ORBIT bleeding risk scores in atrial fibrillation patients treated with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants: a report from the ESC-EHRA EORP-AF General Long-Term Registry (✓)Proietti, Marco; Romiti, Giulio Francesco; Vitolo, Marco; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Boriani, Giuseppe; Lip, Gregory YHНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису