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Browsing by Author Dražić, Radojica

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2012Kavernozni angiomiom kosti : redak tumor viliceTatarinov, Anđela; Urošević, Jelena; Dražić, Radojica; Tepavčević, Zvezdana  ; Sopta, Jelena  Conference Paper
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2011Cemento-ossifying fibroma of jaws-correlation of clinical and pathological findingsSopta, Jelena  ; Dražić, Radojica; Tulić, Goran; Mijucić, Vesna; Tepavčević, ZvezdanaArticle
2009Closure of large oroantral fistula with resorbable collagen membrane: Case reportMarković, Aleksa  ; Čolić, Snježana  ; Dražić, Radojica; Stojčev, Ljiljana; Gačić, BojanArticle
1999Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia in the maxilla mimicking periapical granulomaDražić, Radojica; Minić, Arsa J.Article
2015Uticaj primene lasera male snage u ranom postoperativnom periodu na oseointegraciju implantataMandić, Borka B.Doctoral theses
2004Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti materijala na bazi polimetil metakrilata implantiranih u koštano tkivo = Biocompatibility of PMMA-based material implanted in bone tissueKaradžić, Branislav; Bojović, Slobodan; Dražić, RadojicaArticle
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2010Mast cells in periapical lesions: potential role in their pathogenesisDražić, Radojica; Sopta, Jelena  ; Minić, Arsa J.Article
2011Praktikum oralne hirurgijeMarković, Aleksa  ; Čolić, Snježana; Stojčev-Stajčić, Ljiljana; Dražić, Radojica; Gačić, BojanText book
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2009The closure of oroantral communications with resorbable PLGA-coated beta-TCP root analogs, hemostatic gauze, or buccal flaps: A prospective studyGačić, Bojan; Todorović, Ljubomir; Koković, Vladimir; Danilović, Vesna  ; Stojčev-Stajčić, Ljiljana; Dražić, Radojica; Marković, Aleksa  Article