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Преглед према Аутор Goldstein, Patrick

Приказ резултата 1 до 6 од 6
ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2019Cardiovascular care of patients with stroke and high risk of stroke: The need for interdisciplinary action: A consensus report from the European Society of Cardiology Cardiovascular Round Table (✓)Doehner, Wolfram; Mazighi, Mikael; Hofmann, Bernd M.; Lautsch, Dominik; Hindricks, Gerhard; Bohula, Erin A.; Byrne, Robert A.; Camm, A John; Casadei, Barbara; Caso, Valeria;
Cognard, Christophe; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Endres, Matthias; Goldstein, Patrick; Halliday, Alison; Hopewell, Jemma C.; Jovanović, Dejana  ; Kobayashi, Adam; Kostrubiec, Maciej; Krajina, Antonin; Landmesser, Ulf; Markus, Hugh S.; Ntaios, George; Pezzella, Francesca R.; Ribo, Marc; Rosano, Giuseppe M. C.; Rubiera, Marta; Sharma, Mike; Touyz, Rhian M.; Widimsky, Petr;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2013Fibrinolysis or Primary PCI in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial InfarctionArmstrong, Paul W; Gershlick, Anthony H; Goldstein, Patrick; Wilcox, Robert G; Danays, Thierry; Lambert, Yves; Sulimov, Vitaly; Rosell, Ortiz Fernando; Ostojic, Miodrag C; Welsh, Robert C;
Carvalho, Antonio C; Nanas, John; Arntz, Hans-Richard; Halvorsen, Sigrun; Huber, Kurt; Grajek, Stefan; Fresco, Claudio; Bluhmki, Erich; Regelin, Anne; Vandenberghe, Katleen; Bogaerts, Kris; Van, de Werf Frans;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2015Impact of a pharmacoinvasive strategy when delays to primary PCI are prolongedGershlick, Anthony H; Westerhout, Cynthia M; Armstrong, Paul W; Huber, Kurt; Halvorsen, Sigrun; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Ostojic, Miodrag C; Goldstein, Patrick; Carvalho, Antonio C; Van, de Werf Frans;
Wilcox, Robert G;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2016Implications of ischaemic area at risk and mode of reperfusion in ST-elevation myocardial infarctionBainey, Kevin R; Fresco, Claudio; Zheng, Yinggan; Halvorsen, Sigrun; Carvalho, Antonio C; Ostojic, Miodrag C; Goldstein, Patrick; Gershlick, Anthony H; Westerhout, Cynthia M; Van, de Werf Frans;
Armstrong, Paul W;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2018Relationship between community hospital versus pre-hospital location of randomisation and clinical outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients: insights from the Stream studyWelsh, Robert C; Goldstein, Patrick; Sinnaeve, Peter; Ostojic, Miodrag C; Zheng, Yinggan; Danays, Thierry; Westerhout, Cynthia M; Van, de Werf Frans; Armstrong, Paul WНаучни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2014ST–Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Randomized to a Pharmaco-Invasive Strategy or Primary Percutaneous Coronary InterventionSinnaeve, Peter R.; Armstrong, Paul W.; Gershlick, Anthony H.; Goldstein, Patrick; Wilcox, Robert; Lambert, Yves; Danays, Thierry; Soulat, Louis; Halvorsen, Sigrun; Ortiz, Fernando Rosell;
Vandenberghe, Katleen; Regelin, Anne; Bluhmki, Erich; Bogaerts, Kris; Van, de Werf Frans;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности