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Преглед према Аутор Heidbuchel, Hein

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ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
20162016 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with EACTSKirchhof, Paulus; Benussi, Stefano; Kotecha, Dipak; Ahlsson, Anders; Atar, Dan; Casadei, Barbara; Castella, Manuel; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Heidbuchel, Hein; Hendriks, Jeroen;
Hindricks, Gerhard; Manolis, Antonis S.; Oldgren, Jonas; Popescu, Bogdan Alexandru; Schotten, Ulrich; Van, Putte Bart; Vardas, Panagiotis;
Научни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису
2021Atrial fibrillation screening: feasible approaches and implementation challenges across EuropeErceg, Predrag  ; Hanson, Coral L; Desteghe, Lien; Boriani, Giuseppe; Diederichsen, Soren Zoga; Freedman, Ben; Pala, Elena; Potpara, Tatjana S  ; Witt, Henning; Heidbuchel, Hein;
Neubeck, Lis; Schnabel, Renate B;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2022Feasible approaches and implementation challenges to atrial fibrillation screening: a qualitative study of stakeholder views in 11 European countries (✓)Engler, Daniel; Hanson, Coral L; Desteghe, Lien; Boriani, Giuseppe; Diederichsen, Soren Zoga; Freedman, Ben; Pala, Elena; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Witt, Henning; Heidbuchel, Hein;
Neubeck, Lis; Schnabel, Renate B.;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2016Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: the results of the European Heart Rhythm Association SurveyVranckx, Pascal; Potpara, Tatjana  ; Dagres, Nikolaos; Heidbuchel, HeinНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2021Obstructive sleep apnoea testing and management in atrial fibrillation patients: and joint survey by the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) and the Association of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professions (ACNAP) (✓)Desteghe, Lien; Hendriks, Jeroen ML; Heidbuchel, Hein; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Lee, Geraldine A.; Linz, DominikНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2020Revisiting the effects of omitting aspirin in combined antithrombotic therapies for atrial fibrillation and acute coronary syndromes or percutaneous coronary interventions: meta-analysis of pooled data from the PIONEER AF-PCI, RE-DUAL PCI, and AUGUSTUS trials (✓)Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Mujović, Nebojša M.  ; Proietti, Marco; Dagres, Nikolaos; Hindricks, Gerhard; Collet, Jean-Phillipe; Valgimigli, Marco; Heidbuchel, Hein; Lip, Gregory YHНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2018The 2018 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: executive summary (✓)Steffel, Jan; Verhamme, Peter; Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Albaladejo, Pierre; Antz, Matthias; Desteghe, Lien; Haeusler, Karl Georg; Oldgren, Jonas; Reinecke, Holger; Roldan-Schilling, Vanessa;
Rowell, Nigel; Sinnaeve, Peter; Collins, Ronan; Camm, Alan John; Heidbuchel, Hein;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2021The 4S-AF Scheme (Stroke Risk; Symptoms; Severity of Burden; Substrate): A Novel Approach to In-Depth Characterization (Rather than Classification) of Atrial Fibrillation (✓)Potpara, Tatjana S.  ; Lip, Gregory YH; Blomstrom-Lundqvist, Carina; Boriani, Giuseppe; Van Gelder, Isabelle C.; Heidbuchel, Hein; Hindricks, Gerhard; Camm, Alan JohnНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2015Updated European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillationHeidbuchel, Hein; Verhamme, Peter; Alings, Marco; Antz, Matthias; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Hacke, Werner; Oldgren, Jonas; Sinnaeve, Peter; Camm, A. John; Kirchhof, PaulusНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2016Updated European Heart Rhythm Association practical guide on the use of non-vitamin-K antagonist anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Executive summaryHeidbuchel, Hein; Verhamme, Peter; Alings, Marco; Antz, Matthias; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Hacke, Werner; Oldgren, Jonas; Sinnaeve, Peter; Camm, A. John; Kirchhof, PaulusНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности