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Browsing by Author Kostić Miloš

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2018Airports as a reserve force of countries in transition: case study of former military airport in Kovin - Serbia. ECTP-CEU Young planners workshop - Airports, cities and urban development, str. 177-191, ISBN: 978-2-9601363-5-7, EAN: 9782960136357Kostić Miloš; Pešić Mladen  ; Zorić, Ana M.  Conference Paper
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2012Playing games in Virtual Reality: Motivation of patients during neurorehabilitationKostić Miloš; Petar Kovačević; Popović, Maša Conference Paper
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2018Prostori mira – rekreacija kao metod programske transformacije vojne infrastruktureZorić, Ana M.  ; Kostić MilošConference Paper
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2016Uticaj korovske vegetacije na prinos miskantusa (Miscanthus x giganteus) na jalovini RB Kolubara Tamnava istokStefanović, Slobodan  ; Kostić Miloš; Milošević Dragana; Dražić, Gordana Article