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Преглед према Аутор Marre, M

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ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2013ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASDRydén, L; Grant, PJ; Stefan, Anker; Berne, C; Cosentino, F; Danchin, N; Deaton, C; Escaned, J; Hammes, HP; Huikuri, H;
Marre, M; Marx, N; Mellbin, L; Ostergren, J; Patrono, C; Seferović, Petar ; Uva, MS; Taskinen, MR; Tendera, M; Tuomilehto, J; Valensi, P; Zamorano, JL; Achenbach, S; Baumgartner, H; Bax, JJ; Bueno, H; Dean, V; Deaton, C; Erol, C; Fagard, R; Ferrari, R; Hasdai, D; Hoes, AW; Kirchhof, P; Knuuti, J; Kolh, P; Lancellotti, P; Linhart, A; Nihoyannopoulos, P; Piepoli, MF; Ponikowski, P; Sirnes, PA; Tamargo, JL; Tendera, M; Torbicki, A; Wijns, W; Windecker, S; De, Backer G; Sirnes, PA; Ezquerra, EA; Avogaro, A; Badimon, L; Baranova, E; Baumgartner, H; Betteridge, J; Ceriello, A; Fagard, R; Funck-Brentano, C; Gulba, DC; Hasdai, D; Hoes, AW; Kjekshus, JK; Knuuti, J; Kolh, P; Lev, E; Mueller, C; Neyses, L; Nilsson, PM; Perk, J; Ponikowski, P; Reiner, Z; Sattar, N; Schächinger, V; Scheen, A; Schirmer, H; Strömberg, A; Sudzhaeva, S; Viigimaa, M; Vlachopoulos, C; Xuereb, RG;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2013Relation of the Mediterranean diet with the incidence of gestational diabetesKaramanos, B; Thanopoulou, A; Anastasiou, E; Assaad-Khalil, S; Albache, N; Bachaoui, M; Slama, C B; El, Ghomari H; Jotić, Aleksandra  ; Lalić, Nebojša  ;
Lapolla, A; Saab, C; Marre, M; Vassallo, J; Savona-Ventura, C;
Научни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2012Relationship of the incidence of gestational diabetes with the Mediterranean dietKaramanos, B; Thanopoulou, A; Anastasiou, Eleni; Benrubi, M; Assaad-Khalil, S; Bachaoui, M; Ben, Slama Claude; El, Bache N; El, Ghomari H; Lalic, Natasa V;
Lapolla, A; Saab, C; Savona-Ventura, C; Vassallo, Josanne; Marre, M;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.