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Преглед према Аутор Petzer, Andreas L

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2010High Dose Imatinib Induction (800 Mg/day, 6 Months) Induces Significantly Higher Cytogenetic and Molecular Responses in Pre-treated Chronic Phase CML -phase III Celsg 'istahit' Trial - First ResultsPetzer, Andreas L; ...; Bogdanovic, Andrija D  ; ...; Stojanovic, Aleksandar; ...; (broj, koautora 20)Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2007Multicenter, randomized, phase III study comparing imatinib (Glivec) standard dose (400 mg/d) with imatinib high dose induction (800 mg/d) followed by imatinib maintenance (400 mg/d) in patients with pretreated Ph+/BCR-ABL(+) CML in chronic phase - ResultPetzer, Andreas L; Wolf, Dominik; Fong, Dominic; Lion, Thomas; Dyagil, Irina; Masliak, Zvenyslava; Boskovic, Darinka V; Griskevicius, Laimonas; Lejniece, Sandra; Spasov, Emil;
Gercheva, Liana; Stojanovic, Aleksandar; Peytchev, Dontcho; Tzvetkov, Nikolay; Griniute, Rasa; Stanchev, Atanas; Kwakkelstein, Martin; Ulmer, Hanno; Gastl, Guenther A;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2011Pre-treated CML Patients in chronic phase (CP) not achieving at least a major cytogenetic remission (MCyR) after imatinib high dose (HD) induction (800 mg/day, 6 months) are at high risk of progression after dose reduction - Sub-analyses from the CELSG phPetzer, Andreas L; Fong, Dominic; Lion, Thomas; Dyagil, Irina; Masliak, Zvenyslava; Bogdanovic, Andrija D  ; Griskevicius, Laimonas; Lejniece, Sandra; Goranov, Stefan; Gercheva, Liana;
Stojanovic, Aleksandar; Peytchev, Dontcho; Tzvetkov, Nikolay; Griniute, Rasa; Oucheva, Radka; Grubinger, T; Kwakkelstein, Marthin; Rancati, Francesca; Gastl, Guenther A; Wolf, Dominik;
Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2010Significantly higher and more rapid cytogenetic and molecular responses can be achieved in pre-treated chronic phase CML patients with high doses of Imatinib as induction therapy (800 mg/day, 6 months) - final results of a Phase III CELSG CML11 "ISTAHIT"Petzer, Andreas L; ...; Bogdanovic, Andrija D  ; ...; (broj, koautora 20)Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.