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Browsing by Author Veličković J

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2016Anestezija u minimalno invazivnoj barijatrijskoj hirurgijiPalibrk, Ivan  ; Veličković JBook parts
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2014Anesthetic management of a patient with severe COPD and giant pulmonary bulla undergoing non-thoracic surgerySumrak S; Veličković J; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Miljković B; Đukanović M; Pavlov M; Ćeranić MConference Paper
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2014Case report: The importance of early initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on outcome of sudden cardiac deathMiljković B; Tomašević Lj; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Veličković J; Đukanović M; Janjić NConference Paper
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2014Esophageal Doppler monitoring in esophageal surgery: is it necessaruly a contraindication?Đukanović M; Veličković J; Stojakov D; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Miljković B; Janjić N; Kosanović MConference Paper
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2014Incidence and risk factors for postoperative arrhythmia after esophagectomy for esophageal or cardiac carcinomaVeličković J; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Đukanović M; Miljković B; Đorović D; Stojakov D; Veličković D; Šljukić VConference Paper
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2015Individual approach for patients with ventral eventration: various components separation technique with mesh augmentationŽuvela M; Galun D; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Veličković J; Bidžić N; Bogdanović AConference Paper
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2016OUTCOME OF COLORECTAL SURGERY: WHAT DOES PERIOPERATIVE LACTATE LEVEL TELL US?Veličković J; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Đukanović M; Miljkovič B; Marjanović N; Marković V; Krivokapić ZConference Paper
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2013Surgery of Ventral and Incisional Abdominal Wall Hernias – Laparoscopic vs. Open ApproachŽuvela M; Galun D; Milićević M; Palibrk I; Basarić, Dragan  ; Bogdanović A; Veličković J; Nenadić B; Milenković M; Djukanović M;
Bidžić N; Miljković B; Hajdarević S;
Conference Paper
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2012Tehnike u obezbeđenju disajnog puta: video laringoskopija, laringealna maska, fiberoptička intubacija (Tehnike u obezbeđenju disajnog puta)Palibrk, Ivan  ; Kalezić N; Bumbaširević V; Jovanović B; Veličković JArticle
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2014The impact of postoperative lactate values on various complications and lenght of stay following major abdominal surgeryVeličković J; Marjanović S; Miljković B; Đukanović M; Sumrak S; Janjić N; Kosanović M; Palibrk, Ivan  ; Filipović SConference Paper
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2014The influence of different techniques of anesthesia on the occurence of complications during surgery of abdominal wall herniasPalibrk, Ivan  ; Veličković J; Miljković B; Janjić N; Sumrak S; Đukanović M; Žuvela MConference Paper
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