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Преглед према Аутор Yao, Jun

Приказ резултата 1 до 20 од 20
ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2019Bacterial diversity in typical abandoned multi-contaminated nonferrous metal(loid) tailings during natural attenuation (✓)Liu, Jian-li; Yao, Jun; Wang, Fei; Min, Ning; Gu, Ji-hai; Li, Zi-fu; Sunahara, Geoffrey; Duran, Robert; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Hudson-Edwards, Karen A.;
Alakangas, Lena;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2018China's most typical nonferrous organic-metal facilities own specific microbial communities (✓)Liu, Jian-li; Yao, Jun; Wang, Fei; Ni, Wen; Liu, Xing-yu; Sunahara, Geoffrey; Duran, Robert; Jordan, Gyozo; Hudson-Edwards, Karen A.; Alakangas, Lena;
Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Zhu, Xiao-zhe; Zhang, Yi-yue; Li, Zi-fu;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023Co-catalytic effect of WS2 on the copper slag mediated peroxodisulfate activation for the simultaneous elimination of typical flotation reagent benzotriazole and Cr(VI) (✓)Ma, Bo; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Chen, Zhihui; Pang, Wancheng; Liu, Bang; Cao, Ying; Zhu, Xiaozhe; Zhao, ChenchenНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2018Combined effects of antimony and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate on soil microbial activity and speciation change of heavy metals. Implications for contaminated lands hazardous material pollution in nonferrous metal mining areas (✓)Zhu, Xiaozhe; Yao, Jun; Wang, Fei; Yuan, Zhimin; Liu, Jianli; Jordan, Gyozo; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Avdalović, Jelena  Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Degradation of novel mineral flotation reagent 8-hydroxyquinoline by superparamagnetic immobilized laccase: Effect, mechanism and toxicity evaluation (✓)Chen, Zhihui; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Ma, Bo; Liu, Bang; Li, Haoa; Zhu, Xiaozhe; Zhao, Chenchen; Pang, Wancheng; Cao, YingНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2023Degradation of three typical hydroxamic acids collectors via UVA-B activated H2O2 and persulfate: Kinetics, transformation pathway, DFT calculation and toxicity evaluation (✓)Pang, Wancheng; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Cao, Ying; Liu, Bang; Li, Hao; Li, Miaomiao; Zhu, JunjieНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2024Degradation of typical flotation reagents using lead-zinc smelting slag as mediator for persulfate activation: Effect of gallic acid and Cr(VI) on the removal performance and fate of reactive oxygen speciesPang, Wancheng; Yao, Jun; Solevic-Knudsen, Tatjana M; Cao, Ying; Ma, Bo; Li, Hao; Li, Miaomiao; Liu, BangНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2019Degradation of α-nitroso-β-naphthol by UVA-B activated peroxide, persulfate and monopersulfate oxidants in water (✓)Lu, Chao; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Amde, Meseret; Gu, Jihai; Liu, Jianli; Li, Hao; Zhang, JunyangНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2015Dermcidin exerts its oncogenic effects in breast cancer via modulation of ERBB signalingBanković, Jasna  ; Moreira, Dayson F; Carrasco, Daniel; Yao, Jun; Porter, Dale; Moura, Ricardo; Camargo, Anamaria; Fontes-Oliveira, Cibely C; Malpartida, Miguel G; Carambula, Silvia;
Vannier, Edouard; Strauss, Bryan E; Wakamatsu, Alda; Alves, Venancio AF; Logullo, Angela F; Soares, Fernando A; Polyak, Kornelia; Belizário, José E;
Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023Effect of goethite-loaded montmorillonite on immobilization of metal(loid)s and the micro-ecological soil response in non-ferrous metal smelting areas (✓)Zhao, Chenchen; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Liu, Jianli; Zhu, Xiaozhe; Ma, BoНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2023Performance and mechanisms for Cd(II) and As(III) simultaneous adsorption by goethite-loaded montmorillonite in aqueous solution and soil (✓)Zhao, Chenchen; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Liu, Jianli; Zhu, Xiaozhe; Ma, Bo; Li, Hao; Cao, Ying; Liu, BangНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2024Quantification of Persistent Organic Pollutants by Microwave Extraction and Soxhlet Extraction in Tailing Samples in Nandan County, Guangxi Province, ChinaLiu, Chao; Yao, Jun; Solevic-Knudsen, Tatjana M  Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023Radical chemistry, degradation mechanism and toxicity evolution of BPA in the UV/chlorine and UV/H2O2 (✓)Cao, Ying; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Pang, Wancheng; Zhu, Junjie; Liu, Bang; Li, Hao; Li, Miaomiao; Su, JianchaoНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023Resource utilization of steel converter slag: Efficient degradation of typical organic flotation reagent α-nitroso-β-naphthol via the synergy of radical and non-radical pathways (✓)Zhu, Xiaozhe; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Liu, Jianli; Zhao, Chenchen; Ma, Bo; Chen, Zhihui; Li, Hao; Liu, BangНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2024Siderite's green revolution: From tailings to an eco-friendly material for the green economySun, Haoxiang; Yao, Jun; Ma, Bo; Solevic-Knudsen, Tatjana M  ; Yuan, ChenyiНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2022Simultaneous removal of typical flotation reagent 8-hydroxyquinoline and Cr(VI) through heterogeneous Fenton-like processes mediated by polydopamine functionalized ATP supported nZVI (✓)Ma, Bo; Yao, Jun; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Chen, Zhihui; Liu, Bang; Zhao, Chenchen; Zhu, XiaozheНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2013Stability and Toxicity of Selected Chlorinated Benzophenone-type UV Filters in Waters (✓)Zhuang, Rensheng; Zabar, Romina; Grbović, Gorica  ; Dolenc, Darko; Yao, Jun; Tisler, Tatjana; Trebše, PoloncaНаучни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2022Superior elimination of Cr(VI) using polydopamine functionalized attapulgite supported nZVI composite: Behavior and mechanism (✓)Ma, Bo; Yao, Jun; Chen, Zhihui; Liu, Bang; Kim, Jonghyok; Zhao, Chenchen; Zhu, Xiaozhe; Mihucz, Victor G.; Minkina, Tatiana; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023Synergy between fayalite-constituted waste copper smelting slag and hydroxylamine: An efficient combination for construction and application of a surface Fenton system in removal of mining organic pollutantsCao, Ying; Yao, Jun; Solevic-Knudsen, Tatjana M; Pang, Wancheng; Ma, Bo; Li, Hao; Zhao, Chenchen; Liu, Bang; Li, MiaomiaoНаучни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2023Two-stage process for extraction useful metals from a polymetallic ore flotation concentrate: A laboratory study (✓)Avdalović, Jelena  ; Šolević Knudsen, Tatjana  ; Dojčinović, Biljana  ; Conić, Vesna; Yao, Jun; Milić, Jelena  ; Ilić, Mila  ; Vrvić, Miroslav Конференцијски рад
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