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Преглед према Аутор Zekovic, Ana

Приказ резултата 1 до 10 од 10
ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2018Association between the-174 C/G polymorphism in the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene and gastrointestinal involvement in patients with systemic sclerosisZekovic, Ana; Vreća, Miša  ; Spasovski, Vesna  ; Anđelković, Marina  ; Pavlović, Sonja  ; Damjanov, Nemanja Научни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису
2021Association of Structural Entheseal Lesions With an Increased Risk of Progression From Psoriasis to Psoriatic ArthritisSimon, David; Tascilar, Koray; Kleyer, Arnd; Bayat, Sara; Kampylafka, Eleni; Sokolova, Maria V; Zekovic, Ana; Hueber, Axel J; Rech, Juergen; Schuster, Louis;
Engel, Klaus; Sticherling, Michael; Schett, Georg;
Научни чланак
21aM21a - Рад у међ. часопису изузетних вредности
2020Correlation of expression of TLR7 and Mirna-146a genes and fibrosis in peripheral blood and skin samples of SSc patients (✓)Vesna Spasovski  ; Vreca Misa; Andjelkovic, Marina  ; Stojiljkovic, Maja  ; Skakic, Anita  ; Klaassen Kristel  ; Zekovic, Ana; Damjanov Nemanja; Pavlovic, Sonja  Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2023Differential expression of TLR7 and miRNA-146a genes in peripheral blood and skin samples of patients with systemic sclerosisSpasovski, Vesna M  ; Vreca, Misa  ; Andjelkovic, Marina Z; Stojiljkovic, Maja M; Skakic, Anita G  ; Klaassen, Kristel M; Zekovic, Ana; Damjanov, Nemanja S; Pavlovic, Sonja TКонференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2018Impact of alterations in X-linked IRAK1gene and miR-146a on susceptibility and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic sclerosisVreća, Miša  ; Anđelković, Marina  ; Tošić, Nataša  ; Zekovic, Ana; Damjanov, Nemanja; Pavlović, Sonja  ; Spasovski, Vesna  Научни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2023Intra-articular autologous conditioned serum and triamcinolone injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a controlled, randomized, double-blind studyDamjanov, Nemanja S; Zekovic, AnaНаучни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису
2010The analysis of the possibility of lowering the nerve tissue damage caused by ishaemic attacks on animal models, and its potential use on humansBojovic, O; Zekovic, AnaКонференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2018The efficacy and safety of autologous conditioned serum (ACS) injections compared with betamethasone and placebo injections in the treatment of chronic shoulder joint pain due to supraspinatus tendinopathy: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled studyDamjanov, Nemanja ; Barac, Branko; Colic, Jelena; Stevanovic, Vladan; Zekovic, Ana; Tulic, GoranНаучни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2019The New Treatment Approach in Knee Osteoarthritis: Efficacy of Cellular Matrix Combination of Platelet Rich Plasma with Hyaluronic Acid Versus Two Different Types of Hyaluronic Acid (Ha) (Prospective, Randomized, Double Blind Control Study)Barac, Branko; Damjanov, Nemanja S; Zekovic, AnaКонференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2017Validation of Serbian version of UCLA Scleroderma Clinical Trial Consortium Gastrointestinal Tract Instrument in 104 patients with systemic sclerosisZekovic, Ana; Damjanov, Nemanja Научни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису