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Pregled prema Projekat Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000-5000 BC (EU-640557)

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 17 od 17
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2019A pattern of metatarsal bovine bone surface alterations produced by human permanent teeth - An experimental approachPetrović, Bojan  ; Stefanović, Sofija  ; Kojić, Sanja  ; Porčić, Marko  ; Jevremov, Jovana; Stojanović, Goran  Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2021A string of marine shell beads from the Neolithic site of Vrsnik (Tarinci, Ovce pole), and other marine shell ornaments in the Neolithic of North MacedoniaDimitrijević, Vesna  ; Naumov, Goce; Fidanoski, Ljubo; Stefanović, Sofija  Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2019Bone spoons for prehistoric babies: Detection of human teeth marks on the Neolithic artefacts from the site Grad-Starcevo (Serbia)Stefanović, Sofija  ; Petrović, Bojan  ; Porčić, Marko  ; Penezić, Kristina  ; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Dimitrijević, Vesna  ; Živaljević, Ivana  ; Vuković, Sonja  ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Kojić, Sanja  ;
Starović, Andrej; Blagojević, Tamara  ;
Naučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2021Crown formation times of deciduous teeth and age at death in neolithic newbornsŠipovac, Milica  ; Petrović, Bojan  ; Kojić, Sanja  ; Pantelinac, Jelena; Penezić, Kristina  ; Čapo, Ivan  ; Stefanović, Sofija  Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2016Demography of the Early Neolithic Population in Central Balkans: Population Dynamics Reconstruction Using Summed Radiocarbon Probability DistributionsPorčić, Marko  ; Blagojević, Tamara  ; Stefanović, Sofija  Naučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2021Expansion of the Neolithic in Southeastern Europe: wave of advance fueled by high fertility and scalar stressPorčić, Marko  ; Nikolić, Mladen  ; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Penezić, Kristina  ; Blagojević, Tamara  ; Stefanović, Sofija  Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2020Living off the land: Terrestrial-based diet and dairying in the farming communities of the Neolithic BalkansStojanovski, Darko; Živaljević, Ivana  ; Dimitrijević, Vesna  ; Dunne, Julie; Evershed, Richard; Balasse, Marie; Dowle, Adam; Hendy, Jessica; McGrath, Krista; Fischer, Roman;
Speller, Camilla; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Casanova, Emmanuelle; Knowles, Timothy; Balj, Lidija; Naumov, Goce; Putica, Andelka; Starović, Andrej; Stefanović, Sofija  ;
2021Microbotanical evidence for the spread of cereal use during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Southeastern Europe (Danube Gorges): Data from dental calculus analysisJovanović, Jelena  ; Power, Robert; de Becdelievre, Camille; Goude, Gwenaelle; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2019Primary Teeth Bite Marks Analysis on Various Materials: A Possible Tool in Children Health Risk Analysis and Safety AssessmentJovanović, Nikola; Petrović, Bojan  ; Kojić, Sanja  ; Sipovac, Milica  ; Marković, Dejan  ; Stefanović, Sofija  ; Stojanović, Goran  Article
2019Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method: Preliminary results from the Central BalkansPenezić, Kristina  ; Porčić, Marko  ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Urban, Petra Kathrin; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2019Reconstruction of two mother-infant dyads and obstetrical consequences of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition: A case study from Lepenski vir and Vlasac (Serbia)Jovanović, Jelena  ; Frémondière, Pierre; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2021Revealing the "hidden" Pannonian and Central Balkan Mesolithic: new radiocarbon evidence from SerbiaŽivaljević, Ivana  ; Dimitrijević, Vesna  ; Jovanović, Jelena  ; Blagojević, Tamara  ; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Putica, Anđelka; Uzelac, Viktorija; Bulatović, Jelena  ; Spasić, Miloš  ; Jončić, Nenad;
Penezić, Kristina  ; Anđelić, Dragan; Bajčeta, Milica; Stefanović, Sofija  ;
2020Stressful times for women- Increased physiological stress in Neolithic females detected in tooth cementumPenezić, Kristina  ; Porčić, Marko  ; Urban, Petra Kathrin; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2021Stressful times for women-Reply to Edinborough et al. (2021)Penezić, Kristina  ; Porčić, Marko  ; Urban, Petra Kathrin; Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2019Surface characterization of the raw and cooked bovine cortical metatarsal bonePetrović, Bojan  ; Kojić, Sanja  ; Perić, Tamara  ; Sipovac, Milica  ; Lazarević, Jovana; Stefanović, Sofija  ; Stojanović, Goran  Article
2021The Neolithic Demographic Transition in the Central Balkans: population dynamics reconstruction based on new radiocarbon evidencePorčić, Marko  ; Blagojević, Tamara  ; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Stefanović, Sofija  Article
2020The timing and tempo of the Neolithic expansion across the Central Balkans in the light of the new radiocarbon evidencePorčić, Marko  ; Blagojević, Tamara  ; Pendić, Jugoslav  ; Stefanović, Sofija  Article