

Results 641-660 of 1083

The results include the works of researchers who are CURRENTLY employed at the displayed institution.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2014Regulator pobude DARP-10 kućnog agregata u HE “Međuvršje' (✓)Stojić, Đorđe  ; Milinković, Milan ; Veinović, Slavko  ; Joksimović, Dušan  ; Milojčić, Nemanja ; Dušan Arnautović ; Klasnić Ilija  Technical reports
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2014Poboljšani IEEE Std 81-2012 metod za ispitivanje kontinuiteta sistema uzemljenja u VN postrojenju (✓)Kostić, Vojin I.  Technical reports
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2014MODELI ROTACIONE BUDILICE I DIODNOG MOSTA U KOLU POBUDE - SINHRONOG GENERATORA (✓)Veinović, Slavko  ; Stojić, Đorđe  ; Milinković, Milan; Joksimović, Dušan  ; Milojčić, Nemanja ; Dušan Arnautović; Ilija Klasnić  Conference Paper
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2014Simulacija vektorski upravljanog asinhronog motorea napajanog strujnim invertorom (✓)Klasnić, Ilija G.  ; Antić, Radoslav M. ; Nikolić, Aleksandar B. ; Bebić, Milan Z.  Conference Paper
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2014Ispitivanje stanja izolacionog sistema mernih transformatora (110kV i više) ultrazvučnom metodom (✓)Ilić, Denis P.; I. Klasnić  ; J. Ponoćko; D. Mihajlović  ; Nikolić, Ljubiša P.; Milosavljević, Srđan B. ; D. ArnautovićConference Paper
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2014Intra-Plant Reactive Power-Voltage Control: Practices, Drawbacks and Challenges (✓)Dragosavac, Jasna  ; Janda, Žarko  ; Dušan Arnautović; Milanović Jovica; Awadallah SelmaConference Paper
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2014Survey of ELF Electric and Magnetic Field Levels – One Example for Determining of the Measurement Uncertainty (✓)Vulević, Branislav ; Grbić, Maja  ; Osmokrović, Predrag Article
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2014Maintenance Improvement and Cost Reduction of Large Scale Systems Using Remote Monitoring and Supervision (✓)Aleksandar Nikolic  ; Pejović, Branko  ; Branka Đurić  ; Janković, Jelena  ; Drakić, Ksenija  Conference Paper
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2014Radiation Doses in Adult Computed Tomography Practice in Serbia: Initial Results (✓)Aranđić, Danijela ; Ciraj-Bjelac, Olivera  ; Hadnadjev, Darka; Stojanovic, Sanja  ; Božović, Predrag  ; Ćeklić, Sandra ; Lazarević, Đorđe R.  Article
2014Interlaboratory Comparison of Measuring and Calculation Results of Electric Field Strength near 35 kV Overhead Power Line (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Vulević, BranislavConference Paper
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2014REGULATOR POBUDE KUĆNOG AGREGATA U HE MEĐUVRŠJE (✓)Stojić, Đorđe  ; Veinović, Slavko  ; Milinković, Milan; Joksimović, Dušan  ; Dušan Arnautović; Milojčić, Nemanja ; Ilija Klasnić  Conference Paper
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2014Ispitivanje impedanse sistema uzemljenja dimenziono velikih elektroenergetskih objekata najvišeg pogonskog napona metodom pomerene frekvencije (✓)Kostić, Vojin  ; Slavica Rebrić; Dragan Kovačević  ; Nebojša Raičević  Conference Paper
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2014Effects of Ion Beams on Flash Memory Cells (✓)Obrenović, Marija D.  ; Lazarević, Đorđe R.  ; Dolicanin, Edin C.  ; Vujisić, Miloš Lj.  Article
2014REVITALIZATION OF SMALL HYDRO POWER PLANTS – INTEGRATION INTO THE SMART GRID CONCEPT (✓)Dragosavac, Jasna  ; Gajić, Tomislav ; Ninković, Predrag  ; Dobričić, Sava  ; Janković, Marko  ; Arnautović, Dušan ; Sarić, G.Conference Paper
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2014JEDINSTVENI UPRAVLJAČKO REGULACIONI UREĐAJ ZA AGREGAT A2 U HE „RAŠKA“ (✓)Dragosavac, Jasna  ; Pavlović, Jelena  ; Ninković, Predrag  ; Marko Janković; Tomislav Gajić; Dobričić, Sava  ; Janda, Žarko  ; Dušan ArnautovićTechnical reports
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2014Baza podataka za dijagnostiku stanja generatora u okviru dijagnostičkog centra (✓)Lazić, Jelena  ; Miladinović, Nikola  ; Polužanski, Vladimir  ; Milošević, Ana  ; Kovačević, Uroš  Conference Paper
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2014Robustness of Commissioned Coordinated Q–V Controller for Multimachine Power Plant (✓)Dragosavac, Jasna  ; Janda, Žarko  ; Jovica Milanović; Dušan Arnautović ; Ljubomir MihajlovićConference Paper
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2014Correlations between Magnetic and Vibration Measurements on Hydro Generators (✓)Babić, Blagoje  ; Kartalović, Nenad  ; Marinković, Savo  ; Misović, Dejan; Teslić, Dragan  ; Milosavljević, Zorica  ; Nikolić, AleksandarConference Paper
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2014Database for Assessment of Power System Generators within Demonstrational Diagnostic Centre (✓)Polužanski, Vladimir  ; Miladinović, Nikola  ; Nikola Ilić; Lazić, Jelena  ; Nikolić, AleksandarConference Paper
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2014Primena propisa i iskustva Elektrodistribucije Beograd na zaštiti zaposlenih i stanovništva od uticaja nejonizujućih zračenja (✓)M. Taušanović; V. Šiljkut; Grbić, Maja Đ.  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar M.  Conference Paper
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Results 641-660 of 1083