
Филтрирано по:
Година:  [2010 TO 2019]
Година:  2016

ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2016Effect of structure and size of different bone substitute particles on neoangiogenesis during bone regenerationPejović, Marko  Докторска дисертација
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2016The influence of different non-surgical chronic periodontitis treatment modalites on salivary oxidative stress markers and antioxidantsNovaković, Nada M.Докторска дисертација
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2016Influence of polymorphism of proinflammatory cytokines and receptors on serum cytokine level and clinical parameters of chronic periodontitis and Diabetes mellitus type 2. (✓)Matić, Sanja D.  Докторска дисертација
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2016The use of cone beam computed tomography in the assessment of periodontal therapy outcomeCimbaljević, MilenaДокторска дисертација
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