

Results 61-80 of 84

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2015Uporedna analiza nivoa nejonizujućih zračenja u okolini dva jednostruka i jednog dvostrukog 400 kV nadzemnog voda i izbor optimalnog rešenja (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Dragutin SalamonConference Paper
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2015Testing of resistivity of dense ash slurry and return water from 'Kostolac A' thermal power plant under laboratory conditions (✓)Kostić, Vojin  ; Grbić, Maja  ; Branisavljevic, Predrag; Janda, Žarko  ; Mrvić, Jovan  Article
2015Calibration of Magnetic Field Analyzer (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Naumović Vuković, Dragana  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  Conference Paper
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2015Analiza nivoa nejonizujućih zračenja u okolini nadzemnih vodova na različitim visinama iznad tla (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Jelkić, BranislavConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2014Analysis of technical-economic requirements for the construction of a solar power plant on the roof of the business building of the Electrical Engineering Institute 'Nikola Tesla' (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Antić, Radoslav; Ponocko, Jelena; Mikulović, Jovan  ; Đurišić, Željko  Article
2014Primena propisa i iskustva Elektrodistribucije Beograd na zaštiti zaposlenih i stanovništva od uticaja nejonizujućih zračenja (✓)M. Taušanović; V. Šiljkut; Grbić, Maja Đ.  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar M.  Conference Paper
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2014Practical Implementation and Analysis of Measures for Reducing Electric Field Strength in Vicinity of 400 kV Overhead Power Line (✓)Grbić, Maja Đ.  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar M.  Conference Paper
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2014Survey of ELF Electric and Magnetic Field Levels – One Example for Determining of the Measurement Uncertainty (✓)Vulević, Branislav ; Grbić, Maja  ; Osmokrović, Predrag Article
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2014Interlaboratory Comparison of Measuring and Calculation Results of Electric Field Strength near 35 kV Overhead Power Line (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Vulević, BranislavConference Paper
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2014Primena mera za smanjenje vrednosti magnetske indukcije distributivne transformatorske stanice 10/0,4 kV (✓)Grbić, Maja Đ.  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar M.  ; M. Taušanović; V. SiljkutConference Paper
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2013Praktična primena mera za smanjenje nivoa nejonizujućih zračenja nadzemnog voda (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Nebojša PetrovićConference Paper
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2013Uticaj elektromagnetskog polja na metalne strukture u okolini nadzemnog voda i ocena uslova bezbednosti (✓)Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Nemanja Leštarić; Grbić, Maja  Conference Paper
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2013Анализа утицаја геометрије надземног вода на расподелу јачине електричног поља (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Salamon, Dragutin; Mikulović, Jovan  Conference Paper
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2013Interlaboratory comparison of measuring and calculation results of electric field strength near 35 kV overhead power line (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Vulević, BranislavArticle
2013Nivoi nejonizujućih zračenja u poslovno-energetskim objektima Elektrodistribucije Beograd (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Hrvić, Dejan  ; Milica Taušanović; Vladimir Šiljkut; Slobodan MaksimovićConference Paper
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2013Interpretation of the results of geoelectric sounding based on a mathematical model of double-layered soil (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Dragutin, Salamon; Pavlović, Aleksandar  Article
2012Experimental research of the effects of different shields on power frequency magnetic induction mitigation (✓)Jovan, Nahman; Dragutin, Salamon; Grbić, Maja  Article
2012Međulaboratorijsko poređenje rezultata merenja magnetske indukcije distributivnog nadzemnog voda (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  ; Vulević, Branislav; Čedomir Belić  Conference Paper
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2012Experimental research of the effects of different shields on power frequency electric field mitigation (✓)Jovan, Nahman; Dragutin, Salamon; Grbić, Maja  Article
2012Interlaboratory comparison of measuring results of magnetic field near 400 kV overhead power line (✓)Grbić, Maja  ; Pavlović, Aleksandar  Article

Results 61-80 of 84