
Филтрирано по:
Година:  [2000 TO 2009]
???jsp.search.filter.citation_category???:  M52

ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2009Estimate of precipitation uniformity in Southeastern Srem and its application in soil reclamation, II: Spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in Southeastern Srem from the aspect of agricultureGregorić, Eniko  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Petković, SavaНаучни чланак
52M52 - Рад у истакнутом нац. часопису
2009Estimate of precipitation uniformity in Southeastern Srem and its application in soil reclamation, I: Correlation analysis of precipitation in Southeastern Srem aiming at the supplementation of missing dataGregorić, Eniko  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Lakić, NadaНаучни чланак
52M52 - Рад у истакнутом нац. часопису
2009Maintenance of the drainage system in Southeast SremGregorić, Eniko  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Petković, Sava; Stričević, Ružica  Научни чланак
52M52 - Рад у истакнутом нац. часопису