

Results 21-40 of 122

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2020Анализа утицаја суше на земљишни простор подручја општине ПријепољеБелановић-Симић, Снежана  ; Перовић, Вељко; Ђурђевић, Владимир  ; Миљковић, Предраг  ; Павловић, Павле  ; Чакмак, Драган Б.  ; Кадовић, Ратко Conference Paper
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2020Proposal for transformation of fixed threshold to percentile based climate indices and implications on their changes in the futureTosic, Milica  ; Djurdjevic, Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2020Assessment of climate change impact on the malaria vector Anopheles hyrcanus, West Nile disease, and incidence of melanoma in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia) using data from a regional climate model (✓)Mihailović, Dragutin ; Petrić, Dušan  ; Petrović, Tamaš  ; Hrnjaković-Cvjetković, Ivana  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Nikolić-Đorić, Emilija  ; Arsenić, Ilija  ; Petrić, Mina; Mimić, Gordan  ; Ignjatović-Ćupina, Aleksandra  Article
2019Grassland species specialist range shifts under climate and land use change in Pannonia plain (✓)Nikolić, Tijana  ; Trifunov, Sonja  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2019Process-based and geospatial modelling of future forest biodiversity and dynamics under climate and air pollution scenarios (✓)Beloica, Jelena  ; Čavlović, Dragana  ; Obradović, Snežana  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Miljković, Predrag  Conference Paper
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2017Introducing Climateurope: Europes network for climate servicesN. Garrett; C. Hewitt; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; A. Kržič; P. Newton; D. P; J. Bessembinder; L. Kotova; M. Manez; C. Buonocore;
P. Monfray; I. Alterio; R. Toumi; R. Doescher; S. Gualdi; S. Ničković; S. Joussaume; C. Buontempo;
Conference Paper
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2017Limits to Adaptation on Climate Change in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Insights and ExperiencesG. Trbić; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; Ducić, Vladan D.  ; R. Cupać; R. Dekić; Milićev, Tatjana D.  ; T. PopovBook parts
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2017Faktorska analiza specifičnih aktivnosti berilijuma-7 i olova-210 u prizemnom sloju vazduhaAjtić, Jelena V.  ; Sarvan, Darko Z.  ; Todorović, Dragana J. ; Rajačić, Milica M.  ; Krneta Nikolić, Jelena D.  ; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; B. Zorko; B. Vodenik; D. Glavič Cindro; J. Kožar LogarConference Paper
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2017Could microclimate influence WNV circulation and whether native mosquito might become invasive? (✓)Petrić, Dušan  ; Mihailović, Dragutin ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Petrović, Tamaš  ; Mimić, Gordan  ; Nikolić Đorić, Emilija  ; Zgomba, M.; Ignjatović Ćupina, Aleksandra  ; Petrić, M.Conference Paper
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2017Implications of climate change in human livelihood within SerbiaVuković, Ana J.  ; Vujadinović Mandić, Mirjam P.  ; A. Kržič; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; B. Cvetković; A. Repac; D. Božanić; Pržić, Zoran M.  ; Ranković Vasić, Zorica Z.  ; Ruml, Mirjana M.  ;
Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Petrov, Đurđa L.  ; D. Jakšić;
Conference Paper
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2017Future Evolution of Marine Heat Waves in the Mediterranean: Coupled Regional Climate ProjectionsS. Darmaraki; S. Somot; F. Sevault; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; P. Nabat; L. Cavicchia; C. William; D. SeinConference Paper
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2017Dynamics of beryllium-7 specific activity in relation to meteorological variables, tropopause height, teleconnection indices and sunspot numberSarvan, Darko  ; Stratimirović, Đorđe  ; Blesić, Suzana  ; Đurđević, V.  ; Miljković, V.  ; Ajtić, Jelena  Article
2017Which is the response of soils in the Vojvodina Region (Serbia) to climate change using regional climate simulations under the SRES-A1B? (✓)Ćirić, Vladimir  ; Drešković, Nusret; Mihailović, Dragutin ; Mimić, Gordan  ; Arsenić, Ilija  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  Article
2017Simulation of long-term changes in environmental factors and grassland composition in three protected areas of SerbiaČavlović, Dragana N.  ; Beloica, Jelena R.  ; Obratov-Petković, Dragica D.  ; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; Košanin, Olivera D.  Article
2017Numerical modeling of atmospheric aerosol transport and interaction with climate system (✓)B. Cvetković; A. Vuković  ; S. Ničković; G. Pejanovic; Vujadinović Mandić, Mirjam P.  ; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; S. Petkovic; Ilić, Luka R. Conference Paper
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2016The classification of atmospheric circulation over SerbiaPutniković, Suzana M.  ; Tošić, Ivana A.  ; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  Conference Paper
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2016Simulating the species occurrence in Serbian grasslands of protected areasČavlović, Dragana  ; Belojica, Jelena  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Obratov-Petković, Dragica  ; Košanin, Olivera  Conference Paper
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2016Beryllium-7 specific activity in surface air and its correlation with meteorological variables, solar zenith angle, and number of sunspotsAjtić, Jelena  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Sarvan, Darko  ; Brattich, Erika; Hernandez-Ceballos, Miguel A.Conference Paper
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2016Mediterranean extreme precipitation: a multi-model assessmentCavicchia, Leone; Scoccimarro, Enrico; Gualdi, Silvio; Marson, Paola; Ahrens, Bodo; Berthou, Ségolène; Conte, Dario; Dell’Aquila, Alessandro; Drobinski, Philippe; Đurđević, Vladimir  ;
Dubois, Clotilde; Gallardo, Clemente; Li, Laurent; Oddo, Paolo; Sanna, Antonella; Torma, Csaba;
2016Impact of climate change on soil thermal and moisture regimes in Serbia: An analysis with data from regional climate simulations under SRES-A1B (✓)Mihailović, Dragutin ; Drešković, Nusret; Arsenić, Ilija  ; Ćirić, Vladimir  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Mimić, Gordan  ; Pap, Ištvan  ; Balaž, Igor  Article

Results 21-40 of 122