
Results 41-60 of 87

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2021Performative and affective heritageZorić, Ana  Book parts
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2020Transferring COVID-19 Challenges into Learning Potentials: Online Workshops in Architectural EducationMilovanović, Aleksandra  ; Kostić, Miloš ; Zorić, Ana  ; Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Pešić, Mladen  ; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Todorović, Dejan  ; Sokolović, Neda  ; Josifovski, Andrej  Article
2020Starogradski kompleks “Borino Vranje” [priznanje 22. salon arhitekture]Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Kostić, Miloš; Zorić, Ana  ; Basta, Jelena; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Arsić, NikolaArch works
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2020Architettura dell’emergenza riveduta: Sfide nella ricerca, nella pratica e nell’educazioneMilovanović, Aleksandra  ; Pešić, Mladen  ; Kostić, Miloš; Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Todorović, Dejan  ; Josifovski, Andrej  ; Sokolović, Neda  Article
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2020COVID 19 Challenges: Architecture of Pandemics, an Online Student Workshop [22nd Salon of Architecture Novi Sad]Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Pešić, Mladen  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš ; Todorović, Dejan  ; Josifovski, Andrej  ; Milovanović, Aleksandra  ; Sokolović, Neda  Arch works
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2020Covid-19 Challenges: Architecture of Pandemics, Online Student Workshop [Special Mention at ON Architecture 2020 Exhibition]Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Pešić, Mladen  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš; Todorović, Dejan  ; Josifovski, Andrej  ; Milovanović, Aleksandra  ; Sokolović, Neda  Arch works
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2019Prostorno-umetnička intervencija Konektor – kolektivni prodor - Nacionalna postavka Srbije na Praškom kvadrijenalu 2019. godine [Izložba: Praški kvadrijenale 2019]Bogdanović, Natalija; Simović, Marija; Đurić, Aleksa; Simović, Petar; Zoric, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš ; Tilinger, Desirée  ; Vidaković, JovanaArch works
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2019Простори мира - Рекреација као метод програмске трансформације војне инфраструктуреZorić, Ana M.  ; Miloš KostićBook parts
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2019Department store’s role in modernization and “demodernization” of city centers in ex-YugoslaviaDjokic, Vladan  ; Djordjevic, Aleksandra  ; Zoric, Ana  Conference Paper
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2019Mobilizing the Image: Ideological Narrative in The Interior Design of The Sava CenterKostić, Miloš; Zorić, Ana  Conference Paper
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2019Otvoreni javni prostori – ISPOČETKAZorić, Ana M.  ; Kostić, Miloš S. ; Jovana Vidaković; Desiree Tilinger; Natalija Bogdanović; Marija Simović; Aleksa Đurić; Petar Simović; Tihomir Dičić; Fedor Jurić;
Bogdan Đokić;
Arch works
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2019Старо - градски комплекс у насељу Тулбе у Врању [Прва награда]Костић, Милош; Ђорђевић, Александра  ; Зорић, Ана  ; Баста, Јелена; Арсић, Никола; Бугарски, Јована  Arch works
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2019Mobilizing The Image: Ideological narrative in the design of the Sava centerZorić, Ana M.  ; Kostić, Miloš S. Conference Paper
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2019Department stores role in modernization and 'demodernization of city centers in ex-YugoslaviaĐokić, Vladan A.  ; Đorđević, Aleksandra D.  ; Zorić, Ana M.  Conference Paper
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2019„Belgrade“ Department stores: setbacks, cahllenges and new perspectives on an old commercial ModelĐokić, Vladan  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Đorđević, Aleksandra  Article
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2019Connecter – Open air cinema, Kragujevac [BAB 2019]Zorić, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš ; Desiree, Tilinger  ; Vidaković, JovanaArch works
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2018Projekat uređenja javog prostora Common room na 21. Salonu Arhitekture u Novom Sadu (2018).Zorić, Ana M.  ; Miloš Kostić; Dezire Tilinger  ; Dušica PašićArch works
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2018Од артефакта до ефекта: Развој флуидности архитектонског простораJerković-Babović, Bojana M.  ; Zorić, Ana M.  ; Nebojša FotirićBook parts
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2018(In)Compatible areas: New recreational Facilities in the role of reviving the historic place in the case of the summer theatre stage in TopciderAna Zorić  ; Jerković-Babović, Bojana M.  ; Nebojša Fotirić  Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2018Prva nagrada na urbanističko-arhitektonskom konkursuKostić, Miloš S. ; Ana Zorić  ; Dezire Tilinger  ; Dušica PašićArch works
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 41-60 of 87