
Results 81-100 of 201

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2018Suzbijanje biljne vaši (Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch) na crnim topolamaDrekić, Milan R.  ; Poljaković-Pajnik L.  ; Pekeč, Saša M.  ; Kovačević, Branislav Z.  ; Katanić M.  ; Pilipović Andrej  Article
2018Characteristics and possibilities of using some hydromorphic soils in the inundation of the middle course of the Sava riverPekeč, Saša M.  ; Marina Katanić  ; Vladislava Galović  ; Siniša Andrašev  ; Andrej Pilipović  Conference Paper
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2018Kultura tkiva u proceni tolerantnosti na zaslanjenost kod belih topolaKovačević, Branislav Z.  ; Vuksanovic, Vanja Z.  ; Kebert, Marko M.  ; Orlović S  ; Miladinović, Dragana M.  ; Katanić, Marina  Conference Paper
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2018Evaluation of white poplar genotypes lead tolerance In vitro - comparison of acidic and standard mediumKovačević, Branislav Z.  ; Kovincic J; Tisma G; Vuksanovic, Vanja Z.  ; Milović, Marina B.  ; Orlović, Saša S.  ; Nikolic N  Conference Paper
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2018Ugroženost i preventivne mere za zaštitu područja Deliblatske peščare od šumskih požaraPekeč, Saša M.  ; Drekić Milan  ; Marina Katanić  Article
2018Short – term prognosis of demages from ash weevilDrekić, Milan R.  ; Poljaković-Pajnik Leopold  ; Pilipović Andrej  ; Pekeč Saša  ; Marković Miroslav  ; Milović, Marina B.  Conference Paper
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2018Growth and Physiological Responses of Three Poplar Clones Grown on Soils Artificially Contaminated with Heavy Metals, Diesel Fuel and HerbicidesPilipović, Andrej R.  ; Ronald S. Zalesny Jr.; Saša Orlović  ; Milan Drekić  ; Saša Pekeč  ; Milović, Marina B.  ; Leopold Poljaković-Pajnik  Conference Paper
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2018Diversity of ectomycorrhizal types in sessile oak (Quercus petrae L.) from Fruška GoraKatanic Marina  ; Orlović Saša  ; Pekeč Saša  ; Drekić Milan  ; Galić Zoran  ; Vasić Verica  Conference Paper
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2018Karakteristike nekih hidromorfnih zemljišta u poloju srednjeg toka reke SavePekeč, Saša M.  ; Katanić M.  ; Galović V.; Andrašev S.  ; Pilipović A.  Article
2018Occurrence and Quantification of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compatible Solutes in Different Woody Plant SpeciesKebert, Marko M.  ; Vuksanovic, Vanja Z.  ; Markovic, Miroslav  ; Katanic, Marina  ; Orlović, Saša S.  ; Stefel J; De Kok LConference Paper
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2018The influence of drought on growth and development of white poplar shoots in vitroVuksanovic, Vanja Z.  ; Kovačević Branislav  ; Orlović Saša  ; Kebert Marko  ; Katanić Marina  Conference Paper
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2018Forest bathing- the potential use of trees in health improvementZorić, Martina  ; Milović, Marina B.  ; Kesić, Lazar A.  ; Kebert Marko  ; Pekeč, Saša M.  ; Saša Orlović  Conference Paper
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2018Patogene gljive i štetni insekti u parku prirode GolijaZlatković, Milica P.  ; Bratislav Matović  ; Leopold Poljaković-Pajnik  ; Stefan Bojić; Predrag Pap  ; Marina Katanić  Article
2018The effect of drought on physiological parameters of sessile oak (Quercus petraea L.) seedlingsPilipović Andrej  ; Orlović Saša  ; Drekić Milan  ; Milović Marina  ; Pekeč Saša  ; Poljaković-Pajnik Leopold  ; Vasić Verica  Conference Paper
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2018Ugroženost i preventivne mere za zaštite područja Deliblatske peščare od šumskih požaraPekeč Saša  ; Drekić Milan  ; Milović Marina  Article
2018Production possibilities of alluvial semiglay in the alluvium of the Sava river in SerbiaPekeč, Saša M.  ; Pilipović A.  ; Milović, Marina B.  ; Drekić M.  ; Galović V.  Conference Paper
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2018Forest bathing-the potential use of trees in health inprovementZorić Martina  ; Milović Marina  ; Kesić Lazar  ; Kebert Marko  ; Pekeč Saša  ; Orlović Saša  Conference Paper
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2018Growth, physiology and phytoremediation potential of poplars grown on diesel fuel contaminated soils amended with indigenous microorganismsPilipović, Andrej R.  ; Srđan Rončević  ; Simonida Đurić  ; Nikolić, Nataša P.  ; Saša Orlović  ; Saša Pekeč  ; Milović, Marina B.  ; Arsenov, Danijela D.  ; Dragana Stamenov  ; Jelena Beljin  Conference Paper
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2018Sorta vrbe VolmankaSaša Orlović  ; Miroslav Marković  ; Marina Katanić  ; Vladislava Galović  ; Srđan Stojnić  ; Orlović, Saša S.  ; Vaicehovič N.N.Patent
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2018Diversity of ectomycorrhizal types on sessile oak (Quercus petraea L.) from Fruška goraKatanić, Marina B.  ; Orlović S  ; Pekeč S.  ; Drekić M  ; Galić Z.  ; Vasić V.  Conference Paper
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Results 81-100 of 201