
Results 1-20 of 60

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2024Exploring unconventional it practices: risks and opportunities for innovationĐorđević Milutinović, Lena  ; Milutinović, Radul  ; Raković, Lazar  Conference Paper
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2024Exploring the ideation roadmapping frameworkMilutinović, Radul  ; Stošić, Biljana  Conference Paper
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2024Navigating the Landscape of Sharing Economy: Servitization-based Business Model InnovationĐorđević, Anđelija; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul  Conference Paper
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2024Collaborative servitization in service-oriented company: The case study of telco companyMihailović, Jovana; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul  Article
2023Pregled i analiza metoda upravljanja inovacionim portfoliomMiletić, Aleksandar; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul М.  Book parts
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2023Investigating Factors Influencing Spreadsheets Competency of Undergraduates: Domain-Based vs Tool-Centered Learning ApproachDjordjević Milutinović, Lena  ; Raković, Lazar  ; Milutinović, Radul  ; Sakal, Marton  Article
2023Shadow IT као извор иновација у организацијамаЂорђевић Милутиновић, Лена  ; Раковић, Лазар  ; Милутиновић, Радул М.  ; Антић, Слободан  ; Стошић, Биљана  Conference Paper
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2023The Application of Product-Service System in TelecommunicationsMihailović, Jovana; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul  Conference Paper
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2023Spredšit alati kao podrška održivom upravljanju porodičnim poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Republici SrbijiĐorđević Milutinović, Lena  ; Milutinović, Radul М.  ; Ćirović, Marko  Book parts
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2023Applying Lean Innovation in the Customs System DigitalizationDalton, Sanja  ; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul  Book parts
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2022A conceptual model of procurement management for new products in the automotive industryĐorđević Milutinović, Lena  ; Cvijović, Nikola; Milutinović, Radul  ; Stošić, Biljana  Conference Paper
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2022Konceptualni model za upravljanje idejamaMilutinović, Radul М.  ; Stošić, Biljana  Article
2022Sustainable management of Serbian agricultural family holdingsĐorđević Milutinović, Lena  ; Ćirović, Marko  ; Milutinović, Radul  Other
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2022Upravljanje inovacijama i inovacionim projektimaStošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul М.  Monograph
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2021Koncept inovacija zasnovanih na AI: studija slučajaAleksandra Radojković; Stošić, Biljana A.  ; Milutinović, Radul M.  Conference Paper
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2021Koncept inovacija zasnovanih na AI - studija slučaja - case studyRadojković, Aleksandra Č.; Stošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul М.  Conference Paper
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2020Inovacije u funkciji energetske efikasnosti i razvoja ekonomijeStošić, Biljana A.  ; Milutinović, Radul M.  Book parts
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2020Key success factors of the crowdsourcing platforms for innovationMilutinović, Radul M.  ; Stošić, Biljana A.  ; Đorđević, Lena S.  Conference Paper
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2020Inovacije u funkciji povećanja energetske efikasnosti i razvoja ekonomijeStošić, Biljana  ; Milutinović, Radul М.  Conference Paper
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2020Idea management systemsStošić, Biljana A.  ; Milutinović, Radul M.  ; Ana TrivanConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 1-20 of 60