

Results 1-20 of 121

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2024Field activities - sampling of surface water (✓)Marković, Radmila  ; Gardić, Vojka  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Božić, Dragana  ; Adriana Isvoran; Vasile OstafeConference Paper
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2024Sampling of soil and sediments (✓)Gardić, Vojka  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Marković, Radmila  ; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Matica, Adina; Adriana Isvoran; Vasile OstafeConference Paper
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2024Physico-chemical characterization of soil and sediment samples (✓)Petrović, Jelena  ; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Kovačević, Renata  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Gardić, Vojka  ; Marković, Radmila  ; Gheorghita Menghiu; Vulpe BiancaConference Paper
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2024Monitoring the surface water quality (✓)Marković, Radmila  ; Gardić, Vojka  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Božić, Dragana  ; Bianca Boros; Bianca VulpeConference Paper
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2024Procedures for chemical characterization of field samples (✓)Kovačević, Renata  ; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Petrović, Jelena  ; Ostafe, Vasile; Gardić, Vojka  ; Marković, Radmila  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  Conference Paper
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2023Ranking of flotation tailings pond in Eastern Serbia using the AHP method (✓)Milutinović, Sandra  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Petrović, Sanja  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Svrkota, Igor  Conference Paper
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2023Analiza rizika flotacijskih jalovišta (✓)Sandra Milutinović  ; Milena Kostović; Ljubiša Obradović  ; Sanja Petrović  ; Srđana Magdalinović  Conference Paper
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2023Integrated disposal of mining waste, an example of rehabilitation the damaged embankment at the RTH tailing dump by the mine overburdention (✓)Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Petrović, Sanja  Article
2023Modernizacija flotacija u okolini Bora (✓)Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Petrović, Sanja  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Svrkota, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2023Drainage pump station of the dam 4-1 - Veliki Krivelj (✓)Magdalinović, Nenad  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Petrović, Sanja  Article
2023Savremena oprema za odvodnjavanje proizvoda flotacijske koncentracijePetrović, Sanja  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Svrkota, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2023Possibility of rehabilitation and overhang the dam 6 at the "Valja Fundata" tailing dump in Majdanpek (✓)Milutinović, Sandra  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Tašić, Dušan  ; Rajković, Radmilo  Article
2023Methods Of Transportation and Discharge Of Tails To Flotation Tailings Pond (✓)Milutinović, Sandra  ; Kostović, Milena  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Petrović, Sanja  Conference Paper
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2022Tailing management: tailings filtering equipmentPetrović, Sanja  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Drobnjaković, Bojan  ; Krstić, Slađana  Conference Paper
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2022Auscultation of the RTH flotation tailing dump in Bor with reference to the stability of dams and dykes at the tailing dump (✓)Obradović, Ljubiša  ; Milutinović, Sandra  ; Magdalinović, Srđana  ; Petrović, Sanja  Article
2021Studija izvodljivosti eksploatacije olova, cinka i pratećih korisnih komponenti u ležištima rudnog polja Brskovo : Rešenje (✓)Stanić, Nikola  ; Vladan marinkovic  ; Dragan Milanovic  ; Ljubisa Obradovic  ; Sandra Filipovic Gusevac  ; Miomir Mikic  ; Bucan Lidija  ; Miroslava Maksimovic  ; Radmilo rajkovic  ; Sasa Stepanovic  ;
Aleksandar Doderovic  ; Miljan Gomilanovic  ; Daniel Krzanovic  ; Srdjana Magdalinovic  ; Daniela Urosevic  ; Sanja Petrovic  ; Ivana Jovanovic  ; Radmila Markovic  ; Vojka Gardic  ; Dejan Bugarin  ; Tasic Dusan  ; Sandra Milutinovic  ;
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2021Estimation and comparison of the environmental impacts of acid mine drainage-bearing river water in the Bor and Majdanpek porphyry copper mining areas in Eastern Serbia (✓)Adamovic, Dragana  ; Ishiyama, Daizo; Dordievski, Stefan  ; Ogawa, Yasumasa; Stevanović, Zoran  ; Kawaraya, Hiroshi; Sato, Hinako; Obradovic, Ljubisa  ; Marinković, Vladan  ; Petrovic, Jelena  ;
Gardic, Vojka  ;
2021Tehnički rudarski projekat nadvišenja starog jalovišta do kote K+484mnv - rešenjeObradović, Ljubiša  Report works
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2021Допунски рударски пројекат надвишења флотацијског јаловишта ''РТХ''Обрадовић, Љубиша  Report works
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2021Projekat oskultacije flotacijskog jalovišta za odlaganje jalovine nakon flotiranja minerala olova i cinka iz RIF „Kopaonik“ LeposavićObradović, Ljubiša  Report works
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Results 1-20 of 121