

Results 41-60 of 175

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2016Akvakultura u službi zaštite ugroženih vrsta riba u SrbijiMarković, Zoran  ; Stanković, Marko  ; Rašković, Božidar  ; Sekulić, N.; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2016NaRA - an ICT platform for knowledge exchange: cooperation of subject and learning/teaching experts empowers agricultural knowledge in societyPoleksić, Vesna ; Pešikan, Ana  ; Pekić Quarrie, Sofija; Antić, Slobodanka  Conference Paper
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2016Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society – A Sustainable Tool for Knowledge and Innovation Transfer in Livestock BreedingTopisirović, Goran  ; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2016Effect of supplemental feeds on liver and intestine of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in semi-intensive rearing system: Histological implicationsRašković, Božidar S.  ; Ćirić, Miloš  ; Koko, Vesna; Stanković, Marko B.  ; Živić, Ivana M.  ; Marković, Zoran Z.  ; Poleksić, Vesna D. Article
2015Freshwater Aquaculture in Central And Eastern Europe: Needs for Research and DevelopmentPucher, Johannes; Hoelzle, Ludwig; Thomas, Angelika; Focken, Ulfert; Schlechtriem, Christian; Feucht, Yvonne; Schumann, Mark; Varadi, Laszlo; Halasi-Kovacs, Bela; Urbanyi, Bela;
Bokor, Zoltan; Horvath, Akos; Tarnai-Kiraly, Zsofia; Peteri, Andras; Policar, Tomas; Poleksić, Vesna ; Matulić, Daniel; Borda, Daniela; Grozea, Adrian; Raspor, Peter; Zunabović, Marija; Hubenova, Tania; Grigorov, Boris; Pilarczyk, Andrzej; Bekh, Vitaliy;
Conference Paper
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2015Multidisciplinary approach in the implementation of active learning methods in teaching of animal sciences: Lesson learnedPoleksić, Vesna ; Stanković, Marko  ; Dulić, Zorka  ; Davidović, Vesna M.  ; Relić, Renata  ; Antić, Slobodanka V.  ; Ana PešikanConference Paper
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2015Injuries And Deformities In Common Carp Fingerlings Grown In Different Stocking Densities – Preliminary ResultsRelić, Renata  ; Rašković, Božidar  ; Vukojević, Dalibor; Stanković, Marko  ; Dulić, Zorka  ; Marković, Zoran  ; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2015Possible Contribution Of Casa Tempus Project To Aquaculture Education And PracticePoleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2015The Carp, From the Aquatic Field to the Dish: Key Points in the Semi Intensive Production and PlacementMarković, Zoran  ; Stanković, Marko  ; Živić, Ivana  ; Dulić, Zorka  ; Rašković, Božidar  ; Vukojević, Dalibor; Relić, Renata  ; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2015Use of histopathology and elemental accumulation in different organs of two benthophagous fish species as indicators of river pollution (✓)Rasković, Božidar  ; Poleksic, Vesna ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka  ; Skorić, Stefan  ; Gačić, Zoran  ; Đikanović, Vesna  ; Jaric, Ivan; Lenhardt, Mirjana  Article
2015Freshwater Aquaculture in Central And Eastern EuropePoleksić, Vesna ; Pucher, J.; Hoelzle, L.; Thomas, A.; Focken, U.; Schlechtriem, C.; Feucht, Y.; Schumann, M.; Varadi, L.; Halasi-Kovacs, B.;
Urbanyi, B.; Bokor, Z.; Horvath, A.; Tarnai-Kiraly, Z.; Peteri, A.; Policar, T.; Matulic, D.; Borda, D.; Grozea, A.; Raspor, P.; Zunabovic, M.; Hubenova, T.; Grigorov, B.; Pilarczyk, A.; Bekh, V;
Conference Paper
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2015Histopathological changes of the gills of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) - as a marker of environmental conditions in pond aquacultureRašković, Božidar  ; Stanković, Marko  ; Dulić, Zorka  ; Živić, Ivana  ; Marković, Zoran  ; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2015Integrated use of different fish related parameters to assess the status of water bodies (✓)Lenhardt, Mirjana  ; Poleksic, Vesna ; Vukovic-Gacic, Branka  ; Rasković, Božidar  ; Sunjog, Karolina  ; Kolarević, Stoimir  ; Jarić, I.; Gačić, Zoran  Article
2015Gill Reaction to Pollutants from the Tamis River in Three Freshwater Fish Species, Esox lucius L. 1758, Sander lucioperca (L. 1758) and Silurus glanis L. 1758: A Comparative StudyLujić, J.; Matavulj, M.; Poleksić, Vesna ; Rašković, Božidar  ; Marinović, Z.; Kostić, D.; Miljanović, B.Article
2015Training needs analysis of professionals in agriculture: emphasis on zootechnicsŠćepanović D.; Quarrie S.; Čolić, Slavica  ; Tolimir, Nataša  ; Topisirović, Goran  ; Poleksić, Vesna Conference Paper
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2015Building capacity of Serbian agricultural education to link with societyPoleksić, Vesna ; Topisirović, Goran  Contribution to periodical
2015Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society CaSA - Part 2. Need Analysis and TrainingsPoleksić, Vesna ; Topisirović, Goran  Article
2015Project Presentation „Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society, CaSA” (✓)Poleksić, Vesna ; Tanasković, Snežana  ; Topisirović, Goran  ; Petrić, Dušan; Pekić-Quarrie, Sofija; Šćepanović, Danijela; Pesikan, Ana; Antić, Slobodanka; Quarrie, Steve; Pudja, Predrag;
Jovanović, Ljubomir; Vukasinović, Vidoje; Salasan, Cosmin; Bavec, Franci; Pazienza, Pasquale;
Conference Paper
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2015Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society CaSA - Part 1Topisirović, Goran  ; Poleksić, Vesna Article
2015Nacionalni repozitorijum za obrazovanje u oblasti poljoprivrede – rezultat TEMPUS projekta Izgradnja kapaciteta srpskog obrazovanja u oblasti poljoprivrederadi povezivanja sa društvom (CaSA)Tanasković, Snežana  ; Poleksić, Vesna ; Topisirović, Goran  ; Petrić, Dušan  ; Pekić Quarrie, S.; Sćepanović, D.; Pešikan, Ana  ; Antić, Slobodanka  ; Quarrie, S.; Puđa, Predrag ;
Jovanović, Lj.; Vukašinović, V.;
Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 41-60 of 175