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2006Effect of temperature on the excess molar volumes of some alcohol + aromatic mixtures and modelling by cubic EOS mixing rules (Erratum - errors in text - vol 239,pg 69, 2006)</strong></font>Serbanovic, Slobodan P; Kijevcanin, Mirjana Lj  ; Radovic, Ivona R  ; Djordjevic, Bojan DОстало
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2006Erratum: Effect of temperature on the excess molar volumes of some alcohol + aromatic mixtures and modelling by cubic EOS mixing rules (Fluid Phase Equilibria (2006) 239 (69-82) DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2005.10.022)Šerbanović, Slobodan P.; Kijevčanin, Mirjana  ; Radović, Ivona  ; Đorđević, Bojan D.Остало
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