

Results 41-60 of 127

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2019The Perception of Stakeholders to Implement Nature-Based Solution for Flood Protection in the Balkans and in Iceland (✓)Finger D.C; Lipovac Aleksa  ; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Figurek Aleksandra; Kapovic Solomun Marijana; ZUpanc VesnaConference Paper
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2019Izveštaj uticaja osmotrenih klimatskih promena na poljoprivredu u Srbiji i projekcije buduće klime na osnovu različitih scenarija budućih emisijaStričević, Ružica J.  ; Prodanović Slaven; Djurović Nevenka; Petrović Obradović OliveraMonograph
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2019Uticaj klimatskih promena na potrebe prirodnih travnjaka za vodom (✓)Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Simić Aleksandar  ; Vujadinović-Mandić Mirjam  Conference Paper
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2019Rroductive and non-productive use of water of common bean under full and deficit irrigation. (✓)Lipovac Aleksa  ; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Ćosić Marija  ; Djurović Nevenka  Conference Paper
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2018Characteristics of Rainfall of the Jablanica District for Irrigation and Drainage purposes. (✓)Đurović, Nevenka  ; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Ćosić, Marija D.  ; Čanković, MilenaConference Paper
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2018Uticaj kaolina i režima navodnjavanja na fizičke osobine ploda paprikeĆosić, Marija  ; Stričević, Ružica  ; Đurović, Nevenka  ; Lipovac, Aleksa  ; Moravčević, Đorđe  Conference Paper
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2018Assessment of AquaCrop model on potato water requirements in climate change conditionsLIpovac; Vujadinović-Mandić; Vuković; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; ĆosićConference Paper
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2018Seasonal forecasting of green water components and crop yield of summer crops in Serbia and AustriaLalić, Branislava  ; Sremac, A.Firanj  ; Eitzinger, Josef; Stričević, Ružica  ; Thaler, S.; Maksimović, I  ; Danicić, M.  ; Perisić, D.  ; Dekić, LjArticle
2018Irrigation and mulching effects on raspberry leaf temperatures measured by thermal imaging cameraPavlović, M.; Stričević, Ružica  ; Ćosić, Marija  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Bogdan, IvanArticle
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2018The agricultural water footprint and assessment of virtual water trade: Does Serbia import or export water?Stričević, Ružica  ; Srdjević, Zorica B.  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Srdjević, Bojan M. Article
2018Impact of climate change on yield, irrigation requirements and water productivity of maize cultivated under the moderate continental climate of Bosnia and HerzegovinaStričević, Ružica  ; Stojaković, N.; Vujadinović-Mandić, Mirjam  ; Todorović, M.Article
2018Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Requirements of Orchards in Bosnia and HerzegovinaStričević, Ružica J.  Conference Paper
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2018Analysis of seven indirect methods for evaluation of reference evapotranspiration under climate conditions of SerbiaIdrizović, Dzenita; Matović, Gordana  ; Gregorić, Eniko  ; Stričević, Ružica  Article
2018Effects of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on canopy temperatures of sweet pepper and tomatoĆosić, Marija  ; Stričević, Ružica  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Lipovac, Aleksa  ; Bogdan, Ivan; Pavlović, MilosArticle
2017Assessment of AquaCrop Model in the Simulation of Seed Yield and Biomass of Italian RyegrassStričević, Ružica  ; Simic, Aleksandar  ; Kusvuran, Alpaslan; Cosic, Marija  Article
2017Assessment of precipitation in the Belgrade Water District for irrigation and drainage purposesĆosić, Marija D.  ; Đurović, Nevenka Lj.  ; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Lipovac, Aleksa D.  ; Nedić, Mirko M. Conference Paper
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2017Implications of climate change in human livelihood within SerbiaVuković, Ana J.  ; Vujadinović Mandić, Mirjam P.  ; A. Kržič; Đurđević, Vladimir S.  ; B. Cvetković; A. Repac; D. Božanić; Pržić, Zoran M.  ; Ranković Vasić, Zorica Z.  ; Ruml, Mirjana M.  ;
Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Petrov, Đurđa L.  ; D. Jakšić;
Conference Paper
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2017Predicting biomass and yield of sweet pepper grown with and without plastic film mulching under different water supply and weather conditionsĆosić, Marija  ; Stričević, Ružica  ; Djurović, Nevenka  ; Moravčević, Djordje  ; Pavlović, Milos; Todorović, MladenArticle
2017Stand Density Impact on Soil Moisture Dynamics and Water Stress of Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et DeuĆosić, Marija D.  ; I. Jovanović; Stričević, Ružica J.  ; Dželetović, Željko S.  ; M. Pavlović; I. Bogdan; Đurović, Nevenka Lj.  Conference Paper
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2017Variability in the Water Footprint of Arable Crop Production across European RegionsGobin, Anne; Kersebaum, Kurt Christian; Eitzinger, Josef; Trnka, Miroslav; Hlavinka, Petr; Takac, Jozef; Kroes, Joop; Ventrella, Domenico; Dalla Marta, Anna; Deelstra, Johannes;
Lalić, Branislava  ; Nejedlik, Pavol; Orlandini, Simone; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Rajala, Ari; Saue, Triin; Saylan, Levent; Stričević, Ružica  ; Vucetić, Visnja; Zoumides, Christos;

Results 41-60 of 127