
Results 41-60 of 135

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2018Rezilijentnost i(li) održivost? Klimatska neizvesnost kao faktor u planiranju gradovaStupar, Aleksandra B.  ; Ivan Siimic  Conference Paper
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2018DANURB - DANUBE URBAN BRAND – Истраживањем до стратегије подунавских градова [2. награда]Ђукић, Александра  ; Ваништа Лазаревић, Ева  ; Антонић, Бранислав  ; Марић, Јелена  ; Ступар, Александра  ; Кадар, БалинтArch works
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2018The network of local centers as a tool for strengthening the super-block communities: Belgrade vs. RomeJovanović, Predrag  ; Stupar, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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2018The orthogonal urban matrix of the towns in Vojvodina, Northern Serbia: Genesis and transformationĐukić, Aleksandra  ; Stupar, Aleksandra  ; Antonić, Branislav  Book parts
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2018Improving urban resilience, increasing environmental awareness: new challenge of architectural and planning educationStupar, Aleksandra  ; Mihajlov, Vladimir  ; Simić, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2017Urban mobility between technology and sustainability: Mitigating the effects of global warming?Stupar, Aleksandra B.  ; Grujičić, Aleksandar  Conference Paper
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2017Towards the Conceptual Changes in Architectural Education: Adjusting to Climate ChangeStupar, Aleksandra  ; Mihajlov, Vladimir  ; Simić, Ivan  Article
2017Nagrada Ranko Radović, kategorija kritičko-teorijski tekstovi u arhitekturi, 2017 - Grad : forme i procesi [Nagrada]Stupar, Aleksandra  Arch works
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2017Challenging Future(s): Urban Innovations in the Age of FearStupar, Aleksandra B.  Conference Paper
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2017Building the Green Infrastructure of Belgrade: The Importance of Community GreeningSimić, Ivan  ; Stupar, Aleksandra  ; Đokić, Vladan  Article
2017Aleksandra StuparStupar, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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2017DANuRB - DANube Urban Brand – Утврђивање „ДУНАВСКОГ“ културног идентитета и солидарности [1. награда]Ђукић, Александра  ; Кадар, Балинт; Ваништа Лазаревић, Ева  ; Вукмировић, Милена  ; Антонић, Бранислав  ; Радић, Тамара; Ступар, Александра  Arch works
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2017Open Spaces Reconsidered: The Case Study of New Belgrade's Super Blocks 37 and 38Stupar, Aleksandra B.  ; Jovanović, Predrag R.  Conference Paper
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2017(R)Urban synergy reconsidered: the role of information networks in climate change adaptation and mitigationStupar, Aleksandra  ; Mihajlov, Vladimir  ; Simić, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2017The limits of growth: A case study of three mega-projects in IstanbulDogan, Evinc; Stupar, Aleksandra  Article
2017Open spaces reconsidered: The case study of New Belgrade’s super-blocks 37 and 38 [abstract]Jovanović, Predrag  ; Stupar, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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2017(R)urban Sinergy Reconsidered: The Role of Information Networks in Climate Change Adaptation and MitigationStupar, Aleksandra B.  ; Mihajlov, Vladimir M.  ; Simić, Ivan Ž.  Conference Paper
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2017Los Angeles of Blade Runner (1982): Schizophrenia, Pastiche and Heterotopia of Late CapitalismSimić, Ivan Ž.  ; Grujičić, Aleksandar  ; Stupar, Aleksandra B.  Conference Paper
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2017The Challenges of Urban Farming: Ideas vs. ApplicabilityStupar, Aleksandra B.  ; Grujičić, Aleksandar  Conference Paper
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2016Toward the ultimate shape-shifter: testing the omnipotence of digital cityStupar, Aleksandra  ; Mrđenović, Tatjana  Conference Paper
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Results 41-60 of 135