
Results 61-65 of 65

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2010Application of Aquapanel outdoor as an Element of Final Fasade Lining in Building AssemblesŠekularac, Nenad  ; Šekularac, Jelena  ; Goran StojiljkovićConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2010Функционални и обликовни потенцијали дрвета као елемента облоге архитектонских објекатаИвановић-Шекуларац, Јелена  Doctoral theses
2010Wood and Wood Products as an Element of Fasade Covering in Contemporary ArchitectureŠekularac, Jelena  ; Šekularac, Nenad  Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2006The application of modern principles of double ventilated roofs using stone as the main roofer in the renovation of the medieval buildingsIvanović-Šekularac, Jelena  ; Šekularac, Nenad  Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2000Predškolske ustanove i komforIvanović-Šekularac, Jelena  Monograph
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 61-65 of 65