
Results 81-100 of 102

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2012RESVERATROL RELAXES SMOOTH MUSCLES OF RAT UTERUSNovaković, Radmila  ; Protić, Dragana  ; Radunović, Nebojša ; Helmut Heinle; Vladimir Kanjuh; Leskošek-Čukalović, Ida ; Slobodan Jović; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2012Malnutricija, preterminski porođaj i prostaglandinski putKontić-Vučinić, Olivera  ; Šulović, Nenad  ; Radunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2012The wine polyphenol resveratrol relaxes smooth muscles of the non-pregnant rat uterusNovaković, Radmila  ; Protić, Dragana  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; Kanjuh V; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2012The relaxation of non-pregnant rat myometrium by resveratrol with participation of the NO–cGMP pathwayNovaković, Radmila  ; Protić, Dragana  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Vladimir I Kanjuh; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2012Uloga grlića u nastanku prevremenog porođajaMilena Šterić; Radunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2012The effect of resveratrol and naringenin on the human umbilical vein without endotheliumProtić, Dragana  ; Novaković, Radmila  ; Spremović-Rađenović, Svetlana S.  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; V. Kanjuh; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2012Endokrini i parakrini mehanizmi humane placente i fetalnih membrana u prevremenom porođajuRadunović, Nebojša ; Tošić TanjaBook parts
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2012Patofiziološki mehanizmi prevremenog porodjajaŠulović, Nenad  ; Radunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2012Epigenetika i asistirane reproduktivne tehnologije - od neprepoznavanja do dijalogaLela Šurlan; Radunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2011Dejstvo rezveratrola na humanu umbilikalnu venuProtić, Dragana  ; Novaković, Radmila  ; Spremović-Rađenović, Svetlana S.  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; Vladimir Kanjuh.; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2011The effects of resveratrol in human umbilical veinProtić, Dragana  ; Spremović-Rađenović, Svetlana S.  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2011Expression of progenitor markers in correlation with NCAM in human fetal kidneyCirovic S.; Mueller G.; Radunović, Nebojša ; Marković-Lipkovski, Jasmina Conference Paper
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2011Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labor: identification of spontaneous preterm labor, diagnosis of preterm premature rupture of membranes, and preventive tools for preterm birthDi, Renzo Gian Carlo; Roura, Lluis Cabero; Facchinetti, Fabio; Antsaklis, Aris; Breborowicz, Gregor; Gratacos, Eduard; Husslein, Peter; Lamont, Ronnie; Mikhailov, Anton; Montenegro, Nuno;
Radunović, Nebojša ; Robson, Mike; Robson, Stephen C.; Sen, Cihat; Shennan, Andrew; Stamatian, Florin; Ville, Yves;
2011680 POTASSIUM CHANNELS ARE INVOLVED IN THE VASODILATATION OF HUMAN UMBILICAL VEIN BY RESVERATROLProtić, Dragana  ; Spremović-Rađenović, Svetlana  ; Radunović, Nebojša ; Kanjuh, V.; Heinle, H.; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Article
2011Is leptin concentration in follicular fluid and blood a dependable predictor of In Vitro Fertilization success?Radunović, Nebojša ; Tosic T.; Đukić, Slobodan  Conference Paper
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2011Rezveratrol relaksira glatke mišiće uterusa pacovaNovaković, Radmila  ; Protić, Dragana  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; Vladimir Kanjuh; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2011Vazodilatatorno dejstvo rezveratrola na humanu umbilikalnu venuProtić, Dragana  ; Novaković, Radmila  ; Spremović-Rađenović, Svetlana S.  ; Radunović, Nebojša V. ; Helmut Heinle; Gojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2011Volume Sonography-basic principlesRadunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2011Sonography and fetal cardiovascular systemRadunović, Nebojša Conference Paper
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2011NCAM polysialylation as potential initiator of differentiation and proliferation of renal progenitors in human fetal tissueCirovic S.; Tadic J.; Radunović, Nebojša ; Muler C; G. Müller; Marković-Lipkovski, Jasmina Conference Paper
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Results 81-100 of 102