
Results 41-60 of 166

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2014Biomasa u fokusuMartinov, Milan ; Станивуковић, БориславOther
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2014Conversion of hazardous pesticide packaging waste to non-hazardous by triple rinsing techniquesNovaković, Aleksandra  ; Radusin, Tanja ; MARTINOV, MILAN ; Vojinović-Miloradov, Mirjana  Conference Paper
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2014Obrada zemljišta i setvaMartinov, Milan Article
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2014Potentials, opportunities and barriers for biogas production and utilization in Autonomous Province of VojvodinaĐatkov, Đorđe  ; Višković, Miodrag  ; Golub, Marko ; Bojić, Savo  ; Martinov, Milan Conference Paper
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2014Crop Residues Potentials and Drought ImpactBojić, Savo  ; Golub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Miodrag Višković  Article
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2014Japanese Industry of Agricultural Machinery, R&D Institutions, Cooperation with SerbiaMartinov, Milan Article
2014Osposobljevanje studenata za korišćenje i citiranje literatureMartinov, Milan ; Ubavin, Dejan  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Višković, Miodrag  Conference Paper
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2014Creating basis for LCA analysis of agricultural production systems in SerbiaGolub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Miodrag Višković; Igor Budak  Conference Paper
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2014Teaching of engineers in LCA: 15 years of experience at the University of Novi SadMartinov, Milan ; Hodolič Janko; Kiš Ferenc  ; Radonjanin Vlastimir; Vujić Goran; Budak IgorConference Paper
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2014Potential of biogas production by using winter pea mixtures with triticale and oatĐatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Vasiljević Sanja  ; Karagić Đura  ; Pržulj Novo; Denčić Srbislav ; Živanov Dalibor  ; Milošević Branko Conference Paper
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2014Mechanized harvesting and primary processing of Calendula officinalis L. inflorescencesVeselinov, Branislav; Adamović, Dušan  ; Martinov, Milan ; Viskovic, Miodrag  ; Golub, Marko ; Bojić, Savo  Article
2014Investigation on manure, kitchen waste and corn stover as substrates for anaerobic digestion in small size biogas plants in Serbian rural areasĐatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Miodrag Višković; Mathias EffenbergerConference Paper
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2014Analysis of opportunities for new biomass CHP plants in VojvodinaĐatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Hrvoje Medarac; Nicolae Scarlat; Jean Francois DallemandConference Paper
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2013PotPotencijali i mogućnosti korišćenja kukuruzovine kao supstrata za proizvodnju biogasa u AP VojvodiniĐATKOV, ĐORĐE M.  ; VIŠKOVIĆ, MIODRAG I.  ; GOLUB, MARKO M. ; BOJIĆ, SAVO J.  ; MARTINOV, MILAN L. Article
2013Location allocation of solid biomass power plants: Case study of VojvodinaBojić, Sanja  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Brcanov, Dejan  ; Georgijević, Milosav ; Martinov, Milan Article
2013Green energy and rural development - role of high educationMartinov, Milan ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Golub, Marko ; Višković Miodrag  Conference Paper
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2013Harvestable and on-field remaining crop residues of wheat and soybeanGolub, Marko ; Martinov, Milan ; Višković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Veselinov B.; Bojić, Savo  Conference Paper
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2013Mogućnost primene virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja kod mehanizovanog ubiranja cvasti nevena (Calendula officinalis L.)Adamović, Dušan  ; Veselinov, B.; Golub, M. ; Višković, M.  ; Martinov, M. Article
2013Medicinal and aromatic crop dryingMartinov, Milan ; Öztekin SerdarArticle
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2013Optimizacija procesa sušenja semena uljane tikve golice u šaržnim sušaramaBojić, Savo  ; Golub, Marko ; Branislav Veselinov; Martinov, Milan Conference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 41-60 of 166