
Results 161-166 of 166

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2004Precizna poljoprivredna proizvodnja - klatno za merenje prinosa biljne mase - pendulum for biomass yield measuringЕлерт, Детлеф; Фелкер, Улрих; Martinov, Milan ; Константиновић, МиодрагConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2002Машине и оруђа за обраду земљишта - Део 1Мартинов, Милан ; Марковић, Драган Text book
Mp. category will be shown later
2001Agricultural mechanisation in Vojvodina state and prospectsTešić, Miloš ; Lazić, Veselin; Martinov, Milan ; Mitrović, Dragan; Konstantinović, Miodrag; Mesi, Mihály; Turan, Jan  Article
Mp. category will be shown later
2000EIMA - Sajam poljoprivredne mehanizacije u BolonjiMartinov, Milan ; Лаћак, РобертArticle
Mp. category will be shown later
1999Proposal for improvement of agricultural engineering university education in Yugoslavia and Southeastern EuropeTešić, Miloš ; Martinov, Milan Article
Mp. category will be shown later
1998Hop drying in a solar batch dryerTešić, Miloš ; Babić, Mirko; Martinov, Milan ; Sabo, Jan; Müller, JoachimArticle
Mp. category will be shown later

Results 161-166 of 166