

Results 221-240 of 286

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2011Energy efficiency - an important factor of modernization Belgrade-Bar railway lineJovanović, Larisa  ; Duško BajinConference Paper
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2011Internalization of external costs and calculation of social capitalJovanović, Larisa  ; Munitlak-Ivanović, Olja  ; Golušin, Mirjana  Conference Paper
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2011Veća energetska efikasnost kao uslov razvoja održive energetike u SrbijiGolušin, Mirjana  ; Jovanović, Larisa  ; Munitlak-Ivanović, Olja  Article
2011Nowaday development of biogeochemistry as an integrated system of knowledgeErmakov, Vadim; Gabrashanska, Margarita; Jovanović, Larisa  Conference Paper
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2011Man-made impact on the soil/plants distribution of selenium and mercury*Jovanović, Larisa  ; Ermakov, Vadim; Danilova, ValentinaConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2011Implementacija obnovljivih izvora energije kao uslov energetske efikasnosti u Republici SrbijiJovanović, Larisa  ; Tomić, AleksandraArticle
2011Sustainable development, natural resources management, protected area (✓)Jovanović, Larisa  ; Radović, Vesela  Conference Paper
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2011Implementation of renewable energy sources as condition of energy efficiency of SerbiaJovanović, Larisa  ; Aleksandra TomićConference Paper
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2011Internalization of external costs and calculation of social capitalJovanović, Larisa  ; Munitlak Ivanović, Olja  ; Golušin, Mirjana  Book parts
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2010Hemija i zaštita životne sredineJovanović, Larisa  Monograph
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2010Концепт интегралног одрживог управљања отпадомJovanović, Larisa  ; Jordačijević Srđan; Radosavljević ŽivotaArticle
2010Biodiversity and the biosphere technogenesisJovanović, Larisa  ; V. ErmakovConference Paper
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2010Uloga kompostiranja u funkciji povećanja plodnosti zemljišta i očuvanja biodiverzitetaJovanović, Larisa  ; Jordačijević Srđan; Radosavljević Života; Anđelković, MajaArticle
2010HACCP in catering tradeJovanović, Larisa  ; Pešić-Mikulec D.Conference Paper
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2010Energetska efikasnost u funkciji zaštite životne sredine (na primeru JP Železnice Srbije)Jovanović, Larisa  ; Duško BajinArticle
2010The advantages of railways in relation to other forms of trafic. International scientific conferenceJovanović, Larisa  ; Bajin D.Conference Paper
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2010Улога компостирања у повећању плодности земљишта и очувању биодиверзитетаЈовановић, Лариса  ; Jordačijević, Srđan; Радосављевић, Живота; Анђелковић, Маја Ж.  Article
2010Biodiversity indicatorsJovanović, Larisa  Article
2010Selenium deficiency as a consequence of human activity and its correctionErmakov, Vadim; Jovanović, Larisa  Article
2010The impact of GM products on the environment and biodiversityJovanović, Larisa  ; Jovanović S.Conference Paper
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Results 221-240 of 286