
Secondary authorships

Results 1-20 of 33

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2023Second international thematic monograph The Role of green economy transition in green growth and environmental protectionEditorial works
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2023Book of Abstracts (✓)Editorial works
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2022Book of abstracts - International Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy - Međunarodna naučna konferencija Održivi razvoj i zelena ekonomija, Belgrade, 19-21 April 2022Editorial works
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2021First international thematic monograph "Green Economy in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution"Editorial works
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2021Book of abstracts - International Scientific Conference The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economy and the Environment in the Era of The Fourth Industrial Revolution - = Međunarodna naučna konferencija Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na ekonomiju i životnu sredinu u eri četvrte industrijske revolucije, Belgrade, 22-24 April 2021Editorial works
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2020Četvrta industrijska revolucija - značaj za razvoj zelene ekonomije i zaštitu životne sredine - međunarodna naučna konferencija, Beograd, 16-18. septembar 2020. godine - knjiga apstrakata - the Importance for Green Economy Progress and Environmental Protection - International Scientific Conference - Book of Abstracts - [odgovorni urednici Larisa Jovanović, Jozefina Beke-Trivunac, Vadim Ermakov]Editorial works
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2018Izazovi zelene ekonomije - međunarodna monografija - international monographEditorial works
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2017Knjiga apstrakataEditorial works
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2016Knjiga apstrakata - Međunarodna naučna konferencija Ekološka kriza: tehnogeneza i klimatske promene, Beograd, 21 - 23. april 2016. godine - = International Scientific Conference on Ecological Crisis: Technogenesis and Climate ChangeEditorial works
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2015Promovisanje koncepta održivog transporta u urbanim sredinama (✓)Arsić, Miloš  ; Kokanović, Milun; Tomić, Radoljub ; Arsić, SinišaEditorial works
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2014Knjiga apstrakata - Međunarodna naučna konferencija Održiva privreda i životna sredina Beograd, 23-25. april 2014. godine - = International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Economy and the EnvironmentEditorial works
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2014(uređivanje) - Larisa Jovanović (Ed), Uređenje četiri broja časopisa ECOLOGICA za 2014 (73, 74, 75 i 76)Editorial works
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2014(uređivanje) - Knjiga apstrakata = Book of Abstracts / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Održiva privreda i životna sredina Beograd, 23-25. april 2014. godine = International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Economy and the Environment [odgovorni urednik Larisa Jovanović] -Editorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - Impact of climate change on the environment and the economyEditorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - ECOLOGICA 2013 volumen 69Editorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - Book of Abstracts: Impact of Climate Change on the Environment and the Economy -Editorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - ECOLOGICA 2013 volumen 72Editorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - ECOLOGICA 2013 volumen 71Editorial works
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2013(uređivanje) - ECOLOGICA 2013 volumen 70Editorial works
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2013Knjiga apstrakataEditorial works
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Results 1-20 of 33