

Results 41-60 of 221

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2021Material on the Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora of Serbia. Nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes III (✓)Niketić Marjan  ; Tomović Gordana  ; Bokić Bojana  ; Buzurović Uroš  ; Duraki Šemija; Đorđević Vladan  ; Đurović Sanja; Krivošej Z.; Lazarević Predrag; Perić Ranko;
Prodanović Danijela  ; Radak Boris  ; Rat Milica  ; Ranimirović Milica  ; Stevanović Vladimir;
2021Comparative chemical analysis of essential oils from different organs of three Pastinaca taxa (✓)Ušjak, Ljuboš J.  ; Drobac, Milica M.  ; Niketić, Marjan S.  ; Petrović, Silvana D.  Conference Paper
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2021Impact of Quaternary climatic oscillations on phylogeographic patterns of three habitat‐segregated Cerastium taxa endemic to the Dinaric AlpsĐurović, Sanja Z.  ; Temunović, Martina; Niketić, Marjan  ; Tomović, Gordana  ; Schönswetter, Peter; Frajman, Božo; Lavergne, SebastienArticle
2021New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 3 (✓)Sabovljević, Marko  ; Tomović, Gordana M.  ; Boycheva, Petya; Ivanov, Dobri; Denchev, Teodor T.; Denchev, Cvetomir M.; Stevanoski, Ivana  ; Marković, Aleksandra  ; Đurović, Sanja; Buzurović, Uroš  ;
Yaneva, Galina; Ştefǎnuţ, Sorin; Ștefănuț, Miruna Maria; Knežević, Aleksandar  ; Petrović, Predrag  ; Assyov, Boris; Pantović, Jovana P.  ; Niketić, Marjan S.  ; Vukojičić, Snežana S.  ; Ion, Roxana; Tamas, Gabriela;
2021Investigation of antihyperalgesic and antiedematous activities of three Hieracium species (✓)Milutinović, Violeta  ; Pecikoza, Uroš  ; Tomić, Maja  ; Stepanović-Petrović, Radica  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Ušjak, Ljuboš  ; Petrović, Silvana  Article
2020New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 1 (✓)Sabovljević, Marko  ; Tomović, Gordana  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Lazarević, Predrag  ; Lazarević, Maja  ; Latinovic, Jelena; Latinovic, Nedeljko; Kabaš, Eva  ; Đurović, Sanja  ; Kutnar, Lado;
Skudnik, Mitja; Pantović, Jovana  ; Janković, Ivana  ; Vukojičić, Snežana  ; Veljic, Milan  ;
2020Chemosystematic evaluation of leaf and flower essential oils of eight Heracleum taxa from Southeastern EuropeUšjak, Ljuboš  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Drobac, Milica  ; Petrović, Silvana  Article
2020Phylogeographic and taxonomic considerations on Goniolimon tataricum (Plumbaginaceae) and its relatives from south-eastern Europe and the Apennine PeninsulaBuzurović, Uroš  ; Tomović, Gordana  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Bogdanović, Sandro; Aleksić, Jelena  Article
2020New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 2 (✓)Tomović, Gordana  ; Sabovljević, Marko  ; Đokić, Ivana; Petrović, Predrag  ; Đorđević, Vladan  ; Lazarević, Predrag  ; Masić, Ermin; Barudanović, Senka; Stefanut, Sorin; Niketić, Marjan  ;
Butorac, Branislava; Pantović, Jovana  ; Hajrudinović-Bogunić, Alma; Bogunić, Faruk; Kabas, Eva  ; Vukojicić, Snežana  ; Kuzmanović, Nevena  ; Đurović, Sanja Z.  ; Buzurović, Uros  ;
2019Fatty acids, sterols, and triterpenes of the fruits of 8 Heracleum taxaUšjak, Ljuboš  ; Sofrenić, I  ; Tešević, Vele  ; Drobac, Milica  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Petrović, Silvana  Article
2019Evaluation of safety profile of the essential oils of eight Heracleum taxa (Apiaceae) related to determined furanocoumarin contentUšjak, Ljuboš  ; Drobac, Milica  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Petrović, Silvana  Article
2019Ispitivanje antihiperalgezijske i antiedematozne aktivnosti ekstrakata nadzemnih delova u cvetu tri vrste roda Hieracium (✓)Milutinović, Violeta M.  ; Pecikoza, Uroš B.  ; Tomić, Maja A.  ; Stepanović-Petrović, Radica M.  ; Niketić, Marjan S.  ; Ušjak, Ljuboš J.  ; Petrović, Silvana D.  Conference Paper
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2019Vaskularna flora brdsko-planinskog područja severozapadne Srbije i Šumadije (✓)Brković, Duško  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Tomović, Gordana  ; Lakušić, Dmitar  Monograph
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2019Karyology of the genus Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula (✓)Uroš Buzurović  ; Gordana Tomović  ; Marjan Niketić  ; Lazarević, Maja R.  Conference Paper
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2019Chemical and pharmacological characterisation of 9 taxa of the genus Heracleum L. (Apiaceae), autochthonous for Southeastern Europe (✓)Ušjak, Ljuboš  ; Drobac, Milica  ; Soković, Marina  ; Stanojković, Tatjana  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Petrović, Silvana  Conference Paper
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2019Chemical composition of headspace fractions from fruits and roots of selected Heracleum taxa collected in Southeastern Europe and its chemosystematic significanceUšjak, Ljuboš J.  ; Drobac, Milica M.  ; Niketić, Marjan S.  ; Petrović, Silvana D.  Conference Paper
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2019Distribution and ecological preferences of Noccaea kovatsii in Serbia (✓)Mišljenović, Tomica D.  ; Jovanović, Slobodan D. ; Nevena Kuzmanović  ; Marjan Niketić  ; Jakovljević, Ksenija M.  Conference Paper
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2019Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of methanol extracts of 28 Hieracium species and their selected metabolites (✓)Milutinović, Violeta  ; Petrović, Predrag  ; Klaus, Anita  ; Ušjak, Ljuboš  ; Niketić, Marjan  ; Petrović, Silvana  Conference Paper
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2019Cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity of selected Hieracium L. extracts and isolated sesquiterpene lactones (✓)Milutinović, Violeta M.  ; Matić, Ivana Z.  ; Grozdanić Stanisavljević, Nađa Đ.  ; Stanojković, T.  ; Soković, M.  ; Ćirić, Ana D.  ; Niketić, Marjan S.  ; Petrović, Silvana D.  Conference Paper
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2018Distribution of the vascular plants in Serbia. - In: Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe 17. Rosaceae (Sorbus s. lato) (✓)Stevanović, Vladimir; Niketić, Marjan  ; Tomović, Gordana  ; Vukojičić, Snežana  Other
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Results 41-60 of 221