

Results 1-20 of 151

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2024Hrana i poljoprivreda kao faktori razvoja u savremenim uslovimaRistić, Lela  ; Knežević, Mirjana  ; Despotović, Danijela  Conference Paper
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2024Kvalitet životne sredine kao bitan faktor razvoja Republike SrbijeNedić, Vladimir M.; Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  Conference Paper
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2024Glоbаlni izаzоvi оdrživоg rаzvоја аgrаrnоg sеktоrа i rurаlnih pоdručја u Еvrоpskој uniјi i SrbiјiRistić, Lela  ; Obradović, Saša  Book parts
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2023Necessity of education about importance and possibilities of insurance, financing and innovations in agriculture (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Đurić, Zlata  ; Subotić, Slađana V.Article
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2023Koncept konkurentnosti privrede grada (✓)Milićević, Srđan  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Cvetanović, Slobodan  ; Ristić, Lela  Conference Paper
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2023Harmonization of Economic Sectors of the Western Balkans in Accordance with the EU Members of EUSAIR and Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development (✓)Dimitrijević, Miloš  ; Ristić, Lela  Conference Paper
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2023Testiranje validnosti deviznog kursa preko pariteta kupovne moći za Srbiju - evidencija na bazi testova jediničnog korena i testova kointegracijeObradović, Saša  ; Ristić, Lela  Book parts
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2023Kvalitet kao faktor razvoja zelenog, pametnog i konkurentnog turizma u ruralnim područjima (✓)Nedić, Vladimir M.; Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  Conference Paper
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2023Globalne tendencije u spoljnotrgovinskoj razmeni agrarnih proizvoda i njihov značaj za Republiku Srbiju (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Bošković, Nikola  ; Knežević, Mirjana  Conference Paper
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2023Organska poljoprivreda kao faktor razvoja zelene ekonomije (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Veselinović, Petar  Article
2023Organic agriculture as a factor in the development of green economy (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Veselinović, Petar  Conference Paper
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2023Implementing sustainable agriculture and rural development concept in the EU and Serbia (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Veselinović, Petar  Conference Paper
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2023Global trends and outlooks in agricultural development and food security (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Veselinović, Petar  ; Despotović, Danijela  Conference Paper
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2023State and perspectives of agriculture development in the Western Balkan countries (✓)Dimitrijević, Miloš  ; Veselinović, Petar  ; Ristić, Lela  Article
2023Agri-food products quality as exports competitiveness determinant of the Republic of Serbia (✓)Dimitrijević, Miloš  ; Ristić, Lela  ; Despotović, Danijela  Article
2022Uloga politike održivog ruralnog razvoja u uslovima pandemije COVID-19 (✓)Despotović, Danijela  ; Ristić, Lela  Book parts
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2022Long-term vision for EU rural areas up to 2040 - rural pact, green deal and farm to fork strategy (✓)Ristić, Lela  ; Dimitrijević, Miloš  ; Vujičić, Milica Conference Paper
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2022Agricultural policy as an element of sustainable rural development of the Republic of Serbia (✓)Veselinović, Petar  ; Despotović, Danijela  ; Ristić, Lela  Conference Paper
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2022Rural tourism as a driver of the economic and rural development in the Republic of Serbia (✓)Dimitrijević, Miloš  ; Ristić, Lela  ; Bošković, Nikola  Article
2022Management of agrarian resources in the Republic of Serbia under COVID-19 pandemic (✓)Despotović, Danijela  ; Ristić, Lela  ; Knežević, Mirjana  Conference Paper
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Results 1-20 of 151