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Godina:  [2020 TO 2025]
???  M23
Godina:  2020

GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2020Family history of disease and risk of glioma occurrence: Results of the case-control study (✓)Arsić A.  ; Toncev, Gordana ; Drakulić S.  ; Vesić, Katarina  ; Aleksic, Dejan  ; Marić G.  ; Pekmezovic M.  Naučna kritika i polemika
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2020Recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy: A report on the patient from the Romani population and 82-year-old patientMiletic Drakulic, Svetlana  ; Aleksic, Dejan  Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu