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Godina:  [2020 TO 2025]

GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2024Applying Contemporary Principles for Preserving Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Military Kitchen in Belgrade Fortress (✓)Takač, Ena  ; Šćekić, Jelena  ; Nikolić, Marko  Konferencijski rad
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2024Examined in Theory – Applicable in Practice: Potentials of Sustainable Industrial Heritage Conservation in a Contemporary Context – The Case of Belgrade (✓)Nikolić, Marko  ; Šćekić, Jelena  ; Drobnjak, Boško  ; Takač, Ena  Naučni članak
22M22 - Rad u istaknutom međ. časopisu
2022Contemporary Approaches to the Revitalisation, Presentation and Promotion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Part of the Roman Limes - Case Study of the Late Antique Tomb in Brestovik (✓)Nikolić, Marko  ; Takač, Ena  ; Šćekić, Jelena  Naučni članak
51M51 - Rad u vrhunskom časopisu nac. značaja
2022Contemporary approaches to the revitalisation, presentation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage of the part of the Roman Limes - Case study of the late antique tomb in Brestovik (✓)Nikolić, Marko  ; Takač, Ena  ; Šćekić, Jelena  Konferencijski rad
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2021Касноримска гробница у Брестовику – Приказ студентских радова заштите, ревитализације и презентације археолошког комплекса (✓)Николић, Марко  ; Такач, Ена  Naučni članak
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2020"Bajloni" brewery in Belgrade - possibilities for protection, revitalization and re-use (✓)Nikolić, Marko  ; Takač, Ena  Konferencijski rad
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2020Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture (✓)Nikolić, Marko  ; Roter Blagojević, Mirjana ; Takač, Ena  Konferencijski rad
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