Research outputs
Phosphorus content and stratification in the soil layer 0-30 cm in conventional (CT) and no-till (NT) tillage systems long term experiment
Helena Majstorović 

The importance of hybrids and sowing density on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia
Biberdžić, Milan 

The impact of the irrigation regimes on the Ravaz index in vineyard plavinci under climate change [2023]
Sotonica, Dunja; Ćosić, Marija

On-farm conservation, management and use of barley, oats, rye and wheat genetic resources in Serbia [2023]
Brbaklić, Ljiljana

Тhe influence of mulching and bioregulators on the production characteristics of endives
Moravčević, Đorđe 

Inventarisation of the woody plants in Novi Sad (Serbia)
Lakićević, Milena 

Quality of cucumber seedlings grown in different substrate volumes
Đorđe Moravčević 

Estimation of yield potential of local wheat landraces with NDVI, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content [2023]
Mikić, Sanja

ZP 4019 - a new maize hybrid developed using doubled haploid (DH) technology
Grčić, Nikola 

The effect of different microbial fertilizer on the weediness of maize
Dolijanović, Željko 

By type
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