
Research outputs

Methodological approach to recovery of damages of the steamlines in thermal power plants and heating plants   [2013]

Aleksić, Vujadin  ; Simić, Radoje; Stojanović, Zoran; Milović, Ljubica  

Sensorial and microbiological quality of osmotic dehydrated cabbage   [2013]

Cvetković, Biljana  ; Filipović, Vladimir  ; Nićetin, Milica  ; Lončar, Biljana  ; Gubić, Jasmina  ; Šarić, Ljubiša  ; Živković, Jasmina

Arsenic content in water from wells in Semberija   [2013]

Tamara J. Laketić; Pavlović, Aleksandra N.  ; Milenko J. Savić; Mitić, Snežana S. ; Tošić, Snežana B.  ; Mrmošanin, Jelena M.  

Microelements in plants that are traditionally used for the treatment of anemia in the wider region of the Balkan peninsula   [2013]

Arsić, Ivana  ; Nikolić Ružica ; Krstić Nenad ; Kaličanin Biljana  ; Dimitrijević Vladimir  

Pretreatmant of copper secondary raw materials for their metallurgical processing   [2013]

Sokić, Miroslav  ; Ilija Ilić; Gulišija, Zvonko ; Štrbac, Nada  ; Manojlović, Vaso  

Separation of dispesed oil using fiber bed coalescer   [2013]

Šećerov Sokolović, Radmila M. ; Govedarica, Dragan D.  ; Sokolović, Dunja S.  ; Sokolović, Slobodan 

Analysis of dependence of dough extensibility on composition of gluten protein subuntis of wheat   [2013]

Živančev, Dragan  ; Kevrešan, Žarko  ; Mastilović, Jasna  ; Torbica, Aleksandra  

Uticaj hidratisanih aluminosilikata u prevenciji toksičnih efekata ohratoksina A   [2013]

Prvulović, Dejan  ; Milan Popović; Kojić, Danijela  ; Gordana Grubor-Lajšić

Analysis of intentions and attitudes towards Enterpreneurship in Academic Institutions Related to Agro-Food sector in Serbia   [2013]

Vuković, Andrea  ; Zarić, Vlade  ; Kevrešan, Žarko  ; Mastilović, Jasna  ; Umihanić, Bahrija

Investigation of MWF Aerosols   [2013]

SOKOLOVIĆ, DUNjA S.  ; W. Höflinger; Šećerov Sokolović, Radmila M. ; S. Sokolović


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