
Research outputs

Application of the Marquardt least-squares method to the estimation of pulse function parameters   [2014]

Lundengård, Karl; Rančić, Milica; Javor, Vesna  ; Silvestrov, Sergei

AX Mon (HD 45910) Kinematical Parameters in the Fe II Spectral Lines as a Function of the Excitation Potential   [2008]

Antoniou, A.; Danezis, E.; Lyratzi, E.; Popović, Luka Č.  ; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Theodosiou, E.; Stathopoulos, D.

Physical Properties of the BLR of AGN: Boltzmann-Plot vs. CLOUDY Models   [2007]

Ilić, Dragana  ; Popović, Luka Č.  ; Ciroi, Stefano; La Mura, Giovanni; Rafanelli, Piero

Stark Broadening of Cr II Spectral Lines in Stellar Atmospheres   [2007]

Dimitrijević, Milan S. ; Ryabchikova, Tanya; Simić, Zoran; Popović, Luka Č.  ; Dačić, Miodrag

Measurement Of The Branching Ratios For The Standard Model Higgs Decays Into Muon Pairs And Into Z Boson Pairs At A 1.4 TeV CLIC   [2016]

Milutinović-Dumbelović, Gordana  ; Božović-Jelisavčić, Ivanka  ; Grefe, Christian; Kačarević, Goran  ; Lukić, Strahinja; Pandurović, Mila  ; Roloff, Philipp; Smiljanić, Ivan  ; CLICdp Collaboration

On the Stark widths and shifts of Ar II 472.68 nm spectral line   [2008]

Mijatović Zoran ; Gajo T; Vujičić Božidar; Djurović Stevica ; Kobilarov Radomir

Preliminary results of the STU mini labyrinth radiation shielding experiment   [2021]

Čerba, Štefan; Vrban, Branislav; Lüley, Jakub; Osuský, Filip; Nečas, Vladimír; Štastný, Ondřej; Katovský, Karel; Gloginjić, Marko  ; Mravik, Željko  ; Erich, Marko  ;
Petrović, Srđan M.  ;


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