
Research outputs

Implementation of a Distance Scanner using Arduino Robot   [2015]

Pecev, Predrag ; D Lacmanovic; Z Ivankovic ; N Petrov; M Zakin

Software Industry in India: an Overview (✓)   [2015]

M. Bhatt; A. Carneiro - Alphonso; N. Chotaliya; A. Kansara; Kazi, Ljubica  

Web portal for monitoring the health and recreational aspects of sports   [2015]

D Lacmanović; Z Ivanković ; Pecev, Predrag ; B Markoski  ; D Savicevic

GI aspects of continuous monitoring of hazard indicators   [2015]

Popov, Srđan  ; Bajić Senka

GI aspects on continuous monitoring of hazard indicators   [2015]

Srđan Popov; BAJIĆ, SENKA M.  

Managing temporal data in relational databases   [2015]

R. Debeljački; Bošnjak, Saša D.  ; Šereš, Laslo L.  

Model of a Hospital Information System (✓)   [2015]

M. Hafez; Kazi, Ljubica  

Iteration in Development of IT Projects Using Agile Methodology   [2015]

S. Ivanišević; Ćirić, Zoran P.  ; I. Ćirić; J. Eremić Đođić

Outsource IT Project or Do it In-House   [2015]

Ivanisevic, S.; Ćirić, Zoran P.  ; Sedlak, Otilija S.  ; Ciric, I.


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