
Research outputs

Rate of change for the thermal adapted inversions in Drosophila subobscura   [2019]

Živanović, Goran  ; Arenas, Conxita; Mestres, Francesc

The effects of selection for early and late reproduction on fecundity and longevity in bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus)   [1990]

Tucić, Nikola; Cvetković, Dragana  ; Stojilković, V.; Bejaković, Davor

Monitoring of the genetic structure of natural populations - change of the effective population size and inversion polymorphism in Drosophila subobscura   [2008]

Stamenković-Radak, Marina  ; Rašić, Gordana; Savić, Tatjana  ; Kalajdžić, Predrag; Kurbalija, Zorana ; Kenig, Bojan ; Anđelković, Marko

Population structure in a wheat core collection and genomic loci associated with yield under contrasting environments   [2012]

Zorić, Miroslav  ; Kobiljski, Borislav ; Dodig, Dejan  ; Quarrie, Steve; Barnes, Jeremy


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