
Research outputs

An Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System for the Compensation of Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Power Amplifiers   [2017]

Vasković, Mina  ; Kodogiannis, Vassilis S.; Budimir, Djuradj

Language discrimination by texture analysis of the image corresponding to the text   [2016]

Brodić, Darko ; Amelio, Alessia; Milivojević, Zoran

Multilevel split of high-dimensional water quality data using artificial neural networks for the prediction of dissolved oxygen in the Danube River   [2020]

Antanasijević, Davor ; Pocajt, Viktor  ; Perić-Grujić, Aleksandra  ; Ristić, Mirjana  

Predicting piezometric water level in dams via artificial neural networks (✓)   [2014]

Rankovic, Vesna  ; Novaković, Aleksandar; Grujovic, Nenad  ; Divac, Dejan  ; Milivojevic, Nikola  

A novel extended Li zeroing neural network for matrix inversion (✓)   [2023]

Gerontitis, Dimitrios; Mo, Changxin; Stanimirovic, Predrag S  ; Tzekis, Panagiotis; Katsikis, Vasilios N

EmulART: Emulating radiative transfer—a pilot study on autoencoder-based dimensionality reduction for radiative transfer models (✓)   [2023]

João Maria Felner Rino Alves Silvestre; Santiago González-Gaitán; Marko Stalevski  ; Majda Smole  ; Pedro Guilherme-Garcia; Joao Paulo Carvalho; Ana Maria Mourão

New multi-criteria LNN WASPAS model for evaluating the work of advisors in the transport of hazardous goods (✓)   [2019]

Pamučar, Dragan  ; Sremac, Siniša  ; Stević, Željko; Ćirović, Goran ; Tomić, Dejan


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