
Research outputs

A novel nano drug delivery system based on tigecycline-loaded calciumphosphate coated with poly-dl-lactide-co-glycolide (✓)   [2010]

Ignjatović, Nenad  ; Ninkov, Petar; Sabetrasekh, Roya; Uskoković, Dragan 

Hydrothermal synthesis and nanostructure of carbonated calcium hydroxyapatite   [2006]

Jokanović, Vukoman ; Izvonar, Dušan; Dramićanin, Miroslav D.  ; Jokanović, B.; Živojinović, Vesna; Marković, Dejan  ; Dacić, B.

Porotic paradox: distribution of cortical bone pore sizes at nano- and micro-levels in healthy vs. fragile human bone   [2017]

Milovanovic, Petar  ; Vuković, Zorica  ; Antonijevic, Djordje  ; Djonic, Danijela  ; Zivkovic, Vladimir  ; Nikolic, Slobodan  ; Djuric, Marija

The influence of silicon substitution on the properties of spherical- and whisker-like biphasic alpha-calcium-phosphate/hydroxyapatite particles   [2011]

Jokić, Bojan  ; Mitrić, Miodrag  ; Popović, Maja  ; Sima, L.; Petrescu, S. M.; Petrović, Rada  ; Janaćković, Đorđe  

Structural and biological evaluation of lignin addition to simple and silver-doped hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (✓)   [2015]

Janković, Ana  ; Eraković, Sanja  ; Ristoscu, Carmen; Mihailescu, N. (Serban); Duta, L.; Visan, A.; Stan, George; Popa, A. C.; Husanu, M. A.; Luculescu, C. R.;
Srdić, Vladimir  ; Janaćković, Đorđe  ; Mišković-Stanković, Vesna  ; Bleotu, C.; Chifiriuc, M. C.; Mihailescu, Ion;

Thin films of SiO2 and hydroxyapatite on titanium deposited by spray pyrolysis   [2008]

Jokanović, Vukoman R. ; Jokanovic, B.; Izvonar, D.; Dacic, B.

Evaluation of alginate hydrogels under in vivo-like bioreactor conditions for cartilage tissue engineering   [2010]

Stojkovska, Jasmina  ; Bugarski, Branko  ; Obradović, Bojana  

The association of hydrogel and biphasic calcium phosphate in the treatment of dehiscence-type peri-implant defects: an experimental study in dogs   [2013]

Struillou, Xavier; Rakic, Mia M  ; Badran, Zahi; Macquigneau, Laure; Colombeix, Caroline; Pilet, Paul; Verner, Christian; Gauthier, Olivier; Weiss, Pierre; Soueidan, Assem

Nanostructured endodontic materials mixed with different radiocontrast agentsbiocompatibility study   [2018]

Cetenović, Bojana  ; Colović, Bozana  ; Vasilijić, Sasa ; Prokić, Bogomir Bolka  ; Pasalić, Snežana  ; Jokanović, Vukoman ; Tepavčević, Zvezdana; Marković, Dejan  


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