
Research outputs

Preliminary assessment of the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of birds in the Mediterranean   [2016]

Brochet, Anne-Laure; ...; Ruzic, Milan; ...; (broj, koautora 51)

Long-term size and range changes of the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus population in the Balkans: a review (✓)   [2021]

Dobrev, Dobromir; Tsiakiris, Rigas; Skartsi, Theodora; Dobrev, Vladimir; Arkumarev, Volen; Stara, Kalliopi; Stamenov, Anton; Probonas, Nikos; Kominos, Theodoros; Galanaki, Antonia;
Kret, Elzbieta; Hallmann, Ben; Grubac, Bratislav; Susic, Goran; Marinković, Saša ; Hribsek, Irena  ; Skorić, Stefan  ; Jerrentrup, Hans; Lucic, Vedran; Kapelj, Sven; Stoyanov, Georgi; Zakkak, Sylvia; Hristov, Hristo; Stoychev, Stoycho; Sidiropoulos, Lavrentis; Bino, Taulant; Demerdzhiev, Dimitar;

Population decline and range contraction of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the Balkan Peninsula   [2015]

Velevski, Metodija; ...; Grubac, Bratislav; ...; (broj, koautora 19)


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