
Research outputs

Dacian Ceramics from Boljetin Site   [2018]

Zotović, Radmila M.  

Symbol as Key to the Question of Roman Woman's Afterlife   [2013]

Tapavički-Ilić, Milica  ; Anđelković, Jelena  

Life after death-light after death. Motifs on oil lamps from the cemetery Kod Bresta - Viminacium (✓)   [2016]

Anđelković Grašar, Jelena P.  ; Tapavički-Ilić, Milica D.  

The Danube in Serbian-Hungarian Relations in the 14th and 15th Centuries (✓)   [2015]

Ivanović, Miloš  ; Isailović, Neven  

Cult Preparation of a Burial Pit – Experimental Research of Local Customs   [2013]

Mrđić, Nemanja  ; Raičković, Angelina  

Grave Inventory – a reflection of the belief of deceased   [2013]

Golubović, Snežana  ; Korać, Miomir  


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