
Research outputs

First-principles calculations of tetragonal FeX (X = S, Se, Te): Magnetism, hyperfine-interaction, and bonding   [2017]

Koteski, Vasil J.  ; Ivanovski, Valentin N.  ; Umićević, Ana  ; Belošević-Čavor, Jelena  ; Toprek, Dragan  ; Mahnke, Heinz-Eberhard

Magnetic and power absorption measurements on iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by thermal decomposition of Fe(acac)(3)   [2018]

Jović Orsini, Nataša  ; Babić-Stojić, Branka S. ; Spasojević, Vojislav ; Calatayud, Maria Pilar; Cvjetićanin, Nikola  ; Goya, Gerardo F.

Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic and structure properties of Co2.50Sb0.50O4 spinel   [2000]

Antić, Bratislav  ; Rodic, D; Tellgren, R; Rundlof, H

Gd2O3 nanoparticles stabilized by hydrothermally modified dextrose for positive contrast magnetic resonance imaging   [2016]

Babić-Stojić, Branka S. ; Jokanović, Vukoman R. ; Milivojević, Dušan  ; Pozek, Miroslav; Jaglicic, Zvonko; Makovec, Darko; Arsikin, Katarina M.; Paunović, Verica G.  

ZnFe2O4 antiferromagnetic structure redetermination   [2017]

Kremenović, Aleksandar S.  ; Antić, Bratislav  ; Vulic, Predrag ; Blanuša, Jovan  ; Tomic, Aleksandra


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