
Research outputs

Overview of geologic evolution and hydrocarbon generation of the Pannonian Basin   [2018]

Horvath, Ferenc; Dulic, Ivan A; Vranjkovic, Alan; Koroknai, Balazs; Toth, Tamas; Worum, Geza; Kovacs, Gabor G

Petroleum system of Miocene troughs of the Pannonian Basin in southern Hungary, based on 3D basin modeling   [2018]

Lemberkovics, Viktor; Pavel, Edina Kissne; Badics, Balazs; Lorincz, Katalin; Rodionov, Alexander; Galimullin, Iskander

Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin   [2018]

Németh, Balázs; Tari, Gábor; Bada, Gábor; Radivojević, Dejan  ; Tomljenovic, Bruno; Krézsek, Csaba

Upper Miocene depositional environments of the Kikinda-Mokrin High (Serbia)   [2018]

Saša, Ivanišević; Radivojević, Dejan  


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