
Research outputs

Effect of Fiber Orientation on the Tribological Performance of Abaca-Reinforced Epoxy Composite under Dry Contact Conditions (✓)   [2022]

Milosevic, Marko ; Dzunic, Dragan  ; Valasek, Petr; Mitrovic, Slobodan  ; Ruggiero, Alessandro

Electrically Conductive Biocomposites Based on Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and Wood-Derived Carbon Fillers   [2022]

Unterweger, Christoph; Ranzinger, Matija; Duchoslav, Jiri; Piana, Francesco; Pašti, Igor  ; Zeppetzauer, Franz; Breitenbach, Stefan; Stifter, David; Fürst, Christian

Heterogeneous Hierarchical Self-Assembly Forming Crystalline Nanocellulose–CaCO3 Hybrid Nanoparticle Biocomposites   [2023]

Liukko, Sirje; Dimić-Mišić, Katarina; Ge, Yanling; Gane, Patrick


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